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"The greatest gift you could give us is the opportunity to help you."

Is that really all it takes?

Hyunjins words have stuck to me like glue.

Its left me wondering...

What if I do get better?

Not that there anything wrong with me of course.

Definitely nothing wrong...

But it certainly wouldn't hurt to try...



Would the gifts I gave up until now lose their meaning?

I hope not...

Because the first part of my healing process is to give.

The group deserves a little distraction, a break if you will.

We all do.

So yesterday I bought gift cards and movie tickets for everyone to enjoy.

My savings may have been dented...

But they're worth it!

I just hoped that they like it.

That hope lasted until dohyun and his friends got to me.

"I see you have a little present for us, right jeongin?"

I clear my throat to help get my thoughts in order.

"Well t-they are supposed to be for my friends.."

I swallowed thickly.

I knew their next few words would determine whether I was knocked out cold,

Or left alone.

"But jeongin... I thought we were your friends."

Dohyun spoke up with a mockingly sad tone.

I sighed

The odds didn't look good for me.

"I don't exactly think you guys can live up to that title but-"

Before I knew it a fist made contact with my jaw.

Dohyun spit in my face.

"I don't really give two fucks if we 'live up to that title'"

He crouched down to my level.

•Give• Jeongin CentricWhere stories live. Discover now