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I got home safe.

Which is good... I'm grateful.

But I still had to make the trek to jisungs house in order to be on time for the hangout.

I sighed again.

The rain isn't stopping anytime soon.


I was soaked by the time I got to jisung's.

And when he opened the door to my knocks I was terrified.

What if he yells at me for being so unprepared for the weather?

Instead, I am met with a very sympathetic smile.

"The rain caught you too?"

Still, I didn't want to be a burden.

Well at least not more than I already was.

"It's okay... I should've checked the weather."

He scoffs and pulls me into the warmth of his is house.

"Wait here."

And so I do.

"Hey innie!"

I'm met with the eyes of the rest of the group.


I tried at a smile...

But the uncomfortable feeling of my wet clothes sticking to my open wounds distracted me too much.

"We have some food and games in the living room. We'll wait for you to change though, seems like you got soaked pretty good."

Changbin says while looking at me fondly, his actions being mirrored by the rest of our group.

"Here you go jeong, these clothes may be a bit loose but it's better than your wet ones."

I turn to see jisung getting closer with a t-shirt and sweats.

"Thank you. I'll met you guys in the living room then."

I smile for real this time.

Especially when I see everyone excitedly making their way to the living room.

I think I even see hyunjin tackle seungmin.

But in some twisted way...

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