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The office visit was relatively quick.

Just as expected.

It was all just nonsense really.

Sorting things out for next year, making sure I have my credits, blah blah blah.

What I thought to be more interesting though was that when I arrived to our usual spot in the library for break,

They were all quietly whispering.

A group like us does not whisper.

What is going on?

I got behind a bookshelf.

I hoped it was enough to hide my presence.

I don't think they would have been too keen on letting me listen.

"Guys we shouldn't have even read that. Do you understand that this could break his trust in us forever?"

Chan seemed to be panicked.

His face in that moment was full of regret.

I can still see it clear as day.

"But Chan be realistic here! We were already suspicious about his behavior all we did was confirm it! Don't you want to help him?"

Help who?

It's rare to see Minho and Chan arguing over something.

I thought it must've be of some kind of importance, right?

"Ok I get that this is wrong but Minho has a point Chan. All we've wanted to do is help him. This is our chance to finally be able to do something."

Hyunjin seemed to be conflicted too.

But by his words he already made up his mind on whatever they were talking about at that moment.

Seungmin scoffed again.

It seems like that's the only thing I've been hearing from him lately.

"You all worry too much. Haven't you guys thought that he might just be doing this for attention? I mean why else would he purposefully leave this here? I don't know about you guys but I don't believe it, I mean how could someone as perfect as him struggle?"

"what. the. fuck seungmin"

Chan looked at him in disbelief.

"Seungmin I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you lately but you really need to sort out this little attitude of yours because our friend is so obviously struggling but you can't get it through your god damn head that not everything revolves around you!"

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