330 21 20

I opened my eyes, groaning softly as I looked at the hour, 7 o'clock. To make matters worse, I woke up feeling lousier than I did before I went to sleep, my nightmares have been getting more intense, and it made me as nauseous as ever.

I laid there, hoping that the nausea would settle down, that maybe I would get a break. Nothing seemed to be helping though, and I found myself battling the next moments to come. I didn't want to start off today terribly too. Despite my efforts, the feeling got to be too much.

Quickly, I got up to make my way to the bathroom, chucking the lid of the toilet up as I felt the nausea getting out of hand, and instantly let out all of the contents from my stomach. It was unplanned and unexpected, but I tried not to think much about it. Especially when I saw more than just mere specks of blood in it like last time. Dwelling on this fact would only make my morning worse, and in all honesty, for a day like today, I'm gonna need all the energy I can get.

I take my time in the bathroom, tidying up so that way it looks like nothing happened, I know mother likes to snoop. Not that she would care much about what she found anyways, as much as I would have wanted that. I sigh. It's finally the weekend. I'm relieved for once knowing that I get a little break; this week has been like hell. Thursday was the worst for me. I still have bruises from the beatings.

Nonetheless it's the weekend. The others and I planned to head over to minhos house during school yesterday, meaning that I had time to kill. So instead of rotting in my bed, like I do desperately wanted to, I got up to get dressed, picking out a black turtleneck and jeans, I didn't need to get too dressed up for anyone. Not that I would look good if I got dressed up anyway.

I turned and looked in the mirror to examine myself. I didn't like I how my cheeks looked rounder. My stomach was fuller. My thighs looked ugly and if I wasn't paying so much attention I wouldn't have seen how they filled up my baggy jeans so profoundly. Before the tears that welled up in my eyes could spill I walked away from the mirror and grabbed my things. Maybe I could go to the cafe and study for a while alone before going to Minho's.

I need the peace.

With one more final sigh, I grab the keys and head out, the walk would be refreshing at least. And it'll especially help with the weight I seemed to have gained overnight. I need to fix myself before everyone else saw me. I don't want to be a disappointment.


I take out my phone to check the time, it's already 12 o'clock and we'd agreed to meet at 12:30. It took me by surprise to realize that I've been at this cafe for around five hours, I felt proud. I was productive for once. But now i would have to switch locations of my studying to Minho's house. I probably wouldn't get anything done, it's fine I completed most of it already. It's fine right?

I shake the question out of my head and stretch myself out, extending my arms up behind me until I hear a pop. I sigh semi-contentedly slumping my shoulders while looking towards the direction of my phone again. Theyre texting in the group chat.

Legendary peasants 🤫🧏‍♂️

Min: yall up?

Chan hyung: when am I not 😐

Min: damn ok getting off to a great start
min: obviously I wasn't talking to YOU and ur sleep deprived self 😑

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