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The rest of today went well.

As well as it could have at least.

I really couldn't stop thinking about what to do when I went to hang out with Chan and Hyunjin.

But I think I was prepared.

We went to our favorite cafe.

Or well...

It used to be my favorite too until I started to pay attention to the calorie count.

If I might be honest I panicked.

There's not much for me to enjoy with such high numbers.


I looked up at hyunjin in that moment and saw him with worry in his eyes.

I don't quite like that look.

"Are you ok? I asked if you were ready for us to go and order like four times."


At least I have my lying skills.

"Yes I'm fine, sorry, I wanted to see if there was anything new I wanted to try but... you know me and my habits."



Hyunjin smiled at me again.

"No worries innie I'll just order you your bubble tea and Tiramisu."


He flinches a bit.

I don't blame him because I did too.

I felt uneasy.

It was like everyone was watching me.

I remember looking down in embarrassment.

I'm an embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to say that Chan hasn't told us what he wants."

"Oh don't worry innie he told me already."

He smiled again.

How is he always smiling?

Why does it always look so real?

"Oh... ok"

After that it's more of a blur.

The waitress came and took our orders.

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