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Today was the day I went back to hell.

It was okay at the beginning.

I was actually able to pay attention for once.

I didn't feign focus like I normally do.

Being able to understand what I haven't be able to for months was relieving.

I felt like me again.

I could talk to the others and actually engage, not just communicate.

I felt like it was safe to say that today was one of my best school days.


Kind of.

While I was in math with changbin, hyun, and jisung, a girl came in and asked for me.

She said that the principal was looking for me.

Obviously I went with her.

I assumed he just wanted me to give him an update on things.

Oh how wrong I was.

I followed her until I got suspicious, I didn't recognize our path as the one to the office.

I remember going up to her to ask what happened when I was suddenly shoved to the lockers.

I heard the girl squeal and run away.

It would've made me laugh if I wasn't so paralyzed by my fear.


He leaned into my ear and whispered, he sounded manic.

I hated it.

"Getting better doesn't mean you're escaping us anytime soon."

Then I felt the familiar pressure of his fist meeting my face.

Was this really how I wanted my day to end?

It was so pathetic that all I could do in that moment was freeze up.

Why couldn't I have done something.

I could've proved to him that he was wrong.

Just this once he was wrong, because I would escape from him.

I recall having tears in my eyes, ready to spill at the slightest touch.

My face hurt like hell.

But I knew that the real torture was coming after.

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