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   I'm Andie/s1ren. It's been a long time since I wrote these oneshots. Like, several years. And I can't promise anything...


   I've been back on my bullshit with Haikyuu. And I kinda want to write some more one shots. I'm sure that there aren't that many people who still read this, and if there's not, then I guess that's how it is. And there's quite a few readers on my book. It's my most read one, actually.

   So, I'm here to give you guys who like this book some options.

   1: I rewrite the oneshots and make a new book with it. I can't guarantee they'll be exactly the same—if the same at all, in some cases—but there'll be new one shots with a not super set schedule, but I try for at least one a week.

   2: I rewrite the oneshots and put them in this book under (Rewritten). Again, there may not be a set schedule, but they'll all be under the same book, and you can go back in this book to reread them all if you want.

   3: I say fuck the old oneshots and just start from scratch in a new book.

   I'm partial to one or two, but I'll leave it up to you guys who care. That or I just start posting the oneshots as rewrites here when I don't get answers.

   It's been several years, so expect much much longer, more satisfying oneshots! I've definitely gotten better over the last few years, and I hope my much more refined skill is more entertaining for people who care!

   For those of you who have read this book, I love you and hope you have an amazing day/night. (Please tell me what you want if you like this book! I'm too indecisive to be making actual decisions, guys.)


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