Gamer-Kozume Kenma(2)

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   You stood outside your house and waited for Kenma. Tetsurou has asked you what you were doing outside, but you just said it had to do with your bet with Kenma. Tetsurou shrugged it off easier than you had expected him to.

   You saw Kenma walking out of his house and waved to him. (Quick a/n, in case you didn't know, Kuroo and Kenma are neighbours in canon.) You walked down the driveway and greeted him in the halfway between your houses with a smile.

   You had to admit, Kenma looked good. He wasn't wearing anything special—it was just a tee and slightly ripped jeans. He pulled it off well.

   You didn't wear anything special in your opinion, though, some people might disagree. (You have on whatever is normal for your standards, I mean.)

   "You look nice," you said, the comment leaving your mouth before you could stop it. Both of you turned red. Kenma looked away.

   "Y—you look nice, too," he says.

   "So," you said, hoping to ease the awkwardness. "Where do you want to go?"

   Kenma shrugged. He hadn't thought about it.

   "There's an arcade nearby," you suggested. "We could—um—we could go there."

   "That sound fun," he said. The two of you started walking. You reached you hand out and took Kenma's, face beet red. Kenma turned pink, but didn't complain.

  (Okay, I'm sorry for interrupting but you can't tell me that this isn't how it would happen if Kenma went on a date, like—)

   The two of you got to the arcade rather quickly. He noticed how happy you looked when you looked at all of the different kinds of games. Some old, some new. It didn't matter to you.

   "Let's go!" You said, pulling Kenma rather forcefully into the building. He didn't mind; he thought you were cute when you were excited.

   You and Kenma went around playing games. All of them were made into a competition, and you were relatively even. You were having a lot of fun, and it looked like Kenma was too.

   It had been a few hours since you got there. Kenma has ended up winning more games.

   "I lost the bet!" You yelled after he beat the last game. "I have to pay for lunch." You slumped over dejectedly.

   "You don't have to," Kenma said.

   "It's fine," you said with a laugh. "I'm just being dramatic."

   Kenma shook his head. The two of you argued back and forth for a while, and Kenma ended up paying.

   The two of you didn't stop laughing and talking, and you were enjoying yourself more than you expected to.

   You didn't know how Kenma felt, but he was smiling a lot and he seemed to be having fun.


   It was still afternoon when the two of you left the restaurant.

   "Now what?" You asked. You wanted to stay with Kenma for longer, but you didn't want to be too pushy with it. At least, that's how you thought you'd come off.

   "I'm not sure," he said. Truth be told, he didn't want to go either, and it was pretty clear that he didn't.

   The two of you wandered around aimlessly until Tetsurou called you.

   "Where the fuck are you?" He asked.

   "I'm at a park with Kenma," you told him.

   "I thought you'd be back by two!"

   "Wait, what time is it?" You asked. You hadn't looked because you were enjoying yourself too much. And you didn't want to be rude and look at your phone during a conversation.

   "It's, like, three thirty," Tetsurou said.

   "Oh, shit," you said. "I'm so sorry, I'll get back as soon as I can."

   Kenma looked at you sideways. "What's wrong?"

   "I told Tetsurou I'd be back over an hour ago and I worried him and our family," you said, clearly feeling guilty.

   "Oh," Kenma said, holding back a small laugh. You had to admit, it was a little funny.

   "I'm sorry for having the date end this way," you said, rubbing the back of your neck. Your face was a little red.

   "It's fine," he said. "I know how he is."

   The two of you stand and start to walk home, still talking. If you were being honest, you liked the side of Kenma that talked. You thought it was cute when he acted like a nerd.

   Kenma laced his fingers with yours casually, and you gave his hand a bit of a squeeze.

   When you got to your house, Kenma have you a hug, and was leaning into give you a kiss when your brother opened the door and yelled, "keep it PG, you two!"

   You turned deep red and apologised for you brother before saying goodbye to Kenma and going inside to kill your brother for so rudely yelling at you and Kenma.


A/n: I'm sorry this is short. I had a bit of writers block again.

And I'm sorry for having Kuroo be the biggest fucking cockblock—


Love y'all!


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