Annoying-Atsumu Miya(1)

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   The Miya twins had a lot of fangirls. It was pretty rare to find someone how didn't know them; it was even harder to find someone who didn't like them.

   Well, you happened to be one of them. Well, you were indifferent towards Osamu. You didn't like Atsumu very much.

   People always asked you why, but, if you were being honest, you didn't have a reason.

   Atsumu always annoyed you. Maybe it was his extravagant attitude or his overgrown ego from all the fans who scream about him, but something annoyed you.

   Yet, he seemed to take interest in you. You were sure of it. He would call you out in the hallway, or small things like that.

   "(N/n)~chan!" Atsumu yells. The girls around you glare.

   You growled quietly. "Who said you could call me that, Miya~san?"

   Atsumu pouted. "I told you to call me Atsumu."

   "Why?" You asked. "I don't even know you."

   "Because I want to get to know you better," he said.

   "Miya~san," you said. "With all due respect, I'd rather not."

   Atsumu looked almost hurt. "Come on, (N/n)~chan. Don't be like that."

   You sighed. "If you're that eager, find me during lunch, we can talk then."

   Atsumu smiled. "Awesome!" He said. "See you then!" He runs off. You smirked.

   Good luck trying to find me, dumbass, you thought before walking to class.


    During lunch, you sat on the roof and ate the lunch your older brother, Makoto, made for you. He was a really good cook, so you had him make your lunch when he made his.

   You hoped to God that Atsumu wouldn't be able to find you, and so far he hadn't. You almost expected him to show up though.

(Meanwhile: Atsumu stood outside your class, staring at your empty desk. "Where is she?" He asked. "I should have asked...")

   Oddly enough, you found yourself smiling about the whole situation.

   It was fun fucking with Atsumu.

   "You know Sumu is looking for you right?" You heard someone behind you say. You jumped at the voice before realizing who it was.

   "Miya~san," you said to Osamu, "I'd appreciate if you didn't scare me like that."

   "Sorry, (L/n)~san," Osamu said, sitting down.

   "Is there something you need?" You asked, hoping to break some of the tension between you two.

   "I just thought that you'd want to talk to Sumu," Osamu said.

   "Why?" You asked. "He annoys the hell out of me."

   "But he really likes you."

   The statement caught you off guard. What does he mean by that?

   "Huh?" You asked.

   Osamu looked over at you and cocked his head. "He likes you, (L/n)~san. He doesn't want to admit it, but I know he does. And I'm sure you like him at least a little bit."

   Your face heated up. "What?" You asked. "No I don't! Where did you get that?"

   Osamu looked away. "It's just a hunch."

   You looks at the ground, face still heated. What you said earlier wasn't a lie, Atsumu was annoying. But, you...maybe you had how you felt wrong. You sighed, making Osamu look back over at you.

   "Maybe...maybe I should talk to him..."

   "You know you don't have to," Osamu said. "There's nothing wrong with not talking to him."

   "I know," you said. "I...just feel like I should."

   Osamu shrugged. "I'm sure Sumu would be happy to hear that, but it's about time for class, so I'd wait till later."

   You know Osamu was right, but you had to admit that you did feel a little bad about waiting to talk to Atsumu. You sighed again and nodded.

   You stood up, and as you walked into your classroom you swore you saw Atsumu looking upset.


   You stood at the school gate, waiting for the Miya twins to show up. Osamu turned the corner and smiled a bit.

   "He's at the front entrance," he says. "He'll be over in a minute. Good luck."

   You smiled and thanked Osamu really quickly. You'd thought more over the school day, and you couldn't say that you liked Atsumu, but...he's not as bad as you thought he was.

   You leaned against the wall, your bag in your hands. Maybe...this wouldn't be a good idea. Maybe you should leave. He couldn't like you that much, could he? He had so many other fans, you doubted he really enjoyed your presence.

   "(N/n)~chan?" Someone asked.

   You jumped at the sudden voice. It was Atsumu.

   "O—oh," you said. "Hi, Miya~san."

   "Is something wrong?"


   "Then why are you standing out here?"

   "I...I want to apologise," you said, looking at the floor.

    Atsumu blinked owlishly. "Huh?"

   "I skipped out on talking to you during lunch," you said, "and...I feel horrible about it."

   "Oh, that."

   "I want to make it up to you."

   "Then just meet me for lunch tomorrow."

   You looked up at him. His face was tinted red, and he was rubbing his neck. "Outside your class, this time."

   You laughed. "Y—yeah. Of course."

   Atsumu's eyes lit up. "Great! C—can I walk you home?"

   You wanted to ask if Osamu would be angry or something, but instead of that you nodded and said, "Sure..."

   The walk home was mostly quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. This was the first time Atsumu was this quiet. Except for volleyball games, of course.

   The two of you said goodbye once you got to his house, which apparently was closer to the school than his.

  You were actually extremely excited for tomorrow.


A/n: your favourite Miya twin! Is Atsumu the more liked twin? I like Osamu better, to be honest, but I know way more people who like Atsumu. Idk, maybe I'm the weird one lmao.

I apologise, but there may be a bit of a break in the oneshots. I've been kinda busy lately.

Also I didn't realise how short this is. Sorry!

Anyway, hope y'all are doing well! Love y'all! Stay safe!

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