Chance-Oikawa Tooru(1)

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   You walked over to your cousins house. You were going to see him after not seeing him for three years. You went to Fukurodani in Tokyo as a third year. Your cousin was a third year at Aoba Johsai. His name was Iwaizumi Hajime.

You were gonna spend the night over there, seeing as it was summer. You wished you could stay longer, but your mom didn't like you staying that far away for that long, even if you were a third year. You planned on doing things like this more often, considering that you didn't see him much.

You walked up to the house and saw someone else was at the doorway. It wasn't Hajime; Hajime didn't have brown hair. You stood next to him.

"Hey," you said as you got there.

"Oh," he said. "Hi~"

You went to knock but then Hajime opened the door. "Hajime!" You hugged the short haired male happily. He wrapped his arms around you.

"Iwa~Chan, who's this?" The brunet asked.

"My cousin who lives in Tokyo," Hajime told him.

You looked at him. "(L/N) (Y/N)."

"Oikawa Tooru," He said. You'd heard of him. You'd heard he was a handsome, genius setter for Aoba Johsai. That's why he looked slightly familiar. Now that you were looking at him, you did think he was handsome. His brown hair hung slightly over his eyes, which were also brown. He had a slim body.

You nodded. "Why are you here, Shittykawa?" Hajime asked.

"So mean, Iwa~Chan!" Oikawa yelled. "I just wanted to come over."

"Fine," he said. "Come on in you two." You walked in with Oikawa behind you.

The three of you went to the living room and you sat on the couches. Oikawa sat next you on the right. Hajime was on the left. He kept sending glares at Oikawa.

"So," you said, "how have you been, Hajime? It's been a few years."

"Yeah," He said. "I've been pretty good."

The three of you sat there in silence for a while. You decided to break the slightly awkward silence the only way you knew you could. "Um," you said. "Oikawa, I'd like to get to know you better, so why not tell me about yourself?"

"Oh," he said. "Well, I've played volleyball since middle school. I'm a setter. And that's pretty much the important stuff." You nodded. This would've been fine if it was just you and Hajime, but Oikawa had showed up. "You guys wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure!" You yelled. You stood and grabbed (F/M). Hajime sighed with a smile.

"We've seen that movie so many times," he said.

"So?" You laughed.

"I love (F/M)!" Oikawa said.

You pointed at Hajime and stuck out your tongue. "Looks like we're watching it!" You said. Hajime laughed. Oikawa made popcorn while Hajime set up the movie. You, being the childish person you were, set up a personal fort.

"That's not gonna last long," Hajime said.

"Eh, fuck off," you told him.

"Foul mouth," Hajime retorted as Oikawa walked in.


Much to your despair, Hajime was right about your fort. You'd tried hiding there when the three of you had a mini food fight and threw popcorn at each other, (some throws not as friendly as others) but it fell since you were in the middle of Oikawa and Hajime.

You put up the cushions while Hajime and Oikawa cleaned up the mess. The last twenty minutes of the movie were playing. The boys had left to put up the vacuum and broom they had gotten out.

You sat on the couch and lay down on your stomach. You'd had fun. You thought Oikawa was pretty cool. He was funny and kind. And handsome. Without noticing, you shut your eyes and slipped into darkness.

~•Oikawa's POV•~

I walked back to the living room. When I got there, I saw (L/N) on the couch, eyes closed. I smiled softly.

She looked so beautiful. Her (H/C) hair was everywhere around her, making a slightly frizzy halo. Her clothes were ruffled. Her breathing was steady. I could tell she was asleep. She looked so peaceful.

I looked at a clock. It was 10:00. I gripped a pillow and a blanket. I raised her head a little and put a pillow beneath it. I unfolded the blanket and draped it over her. She was now on her side, seeing as she moved in her sleep.

I hoped she liked me. I couldn't tell. She laughed and had fun with Iwa~Chan and I earlier. But was it because of her cousin or me? I wished it was me. Hoped it was me.

She was so beautiful and funny. She was crazy, yet she still managed to be kind. Her (E/C) eyes sparkled in the lights.

I smiled softly at the sight. I laid on the couch. "Eh, screw it," I muttered. I slid next to her under the blankets. I wrapped my arms around her. She nuzzled closer to me.

With that, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

~•Iwaizumi's POV•~

When I walked back into the room, I hated that I saw Shittykawa with (Y/N) in his arms while they were both asleep. Then I saw the smiles on both of their faces. I wanted to be mad. I really did. I didn't like that they were so close.

But, what I thought in the in the end didn't matter—she was happy.

And he better have thanked God she was.


A/n: this feels really short, but you know, that's fine. I don't really have anything else to say.

Hope y'all are doing well. Love y'all!


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