Mafia?-Mafia!Akaashi Keiji(1)

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You didn't know how you'd met him. Thinking back on it, it was just a coincidence. You'd met him through a friend, though the meeting was a complete accident.

Akaashi was a... quiet man. No, quiet didn't quite fit right. Secretive? A little. Closed off? You guessed. He never really talked when you were around him, and you couldn't help but get curious.

From looks alone, Akaashi had you drawn in instantly. His black, long, matted hair suited him well. His eyes were dark and thoughtful, yet dead at the same time. He always had on nice clothes, too.

But, some instinct deep inside you was set off. You would often get unnerved when you were alone with him. Not all the time, but often. Akaashi had an intimidating vibe sprouting from him at all times, and most people veered away from him whenever you to hung out in public. In the end, you didn't mind; you were hanging out with him because you liked him, after all.

After a few months of you two talking, you two had already become rather close. At the time, you very rarely got uncomfortable or squeamish around him, and he was being more open. Though, you could still tell that he was hiding something. It wasn't hard to see.

He avoided questions about work fairly often, never spoke of his colleagues. In fact, you could barely remember what his job was. He's told you once when you first met, and you didn't bother him about it anytime after once you caught his lie.

You had to admit, it did hurt a little when you figured out when he lied. It wasn't something that happened often—maybe one a month. But you always caught one.

It made you feel untrustworthy when he lied about his work. You saw no reason for him to hide it, unless it was illegal. It could've just been embarrassing for him to talk about for whatever reason, or he could have to lie in his contract. You shouldn't jump to conclusions, but that sure as hell didn't stop you from doing it.

Another five months or so after that, Akaashi had asked you out. You had liked him for a while, that was true, but the lies still put you off a bit. Nonetheless, you happily accepted.

Now, back to the present.

You and Akaashi had been together for around four months now. You were perfectly happy with how this was going. Akaashi tried to spend time with you, but his job didn't let it happen much. There were still so many questions he never answered when you asked them.

"Why won't you just tell me?" You asked him once, and the hurt didn't stay hidden when your voice cracked.

Akaashi had only looked at the ground for a few moments. Then he simply answered, "I want to keep you safe."

Him saying that given you something to go off at least. It was a dangerous line of work, apparently. At first you thought police or something of the nature, but the more you thought the more you thought it was weird that he felt the need to hide that job from you. A police officer was a fairly normal job; while he couldn't talk about his job, he could've told you that was what it was.

It would've eased your mind a bit.

Akaashi was gone on a business trip over the last few days. You always got a little nervous when he left for them, though you were sure he was fine. He told you when he left that he wasn't sure when he's get back for sure, but he knew it wouldn't take anymore than a week.

One of his friends had shown up to leave with him, and he was a friend that you had met once or twice through Akaashi.

His name was Bokuto, and he had long silver hair with black roots. His yellow eyes seemingly pierced through you every time they met, though his happy go lucky attitude was very present.

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