Threatening?-Kitsune!Iwaizumi Hajime X OC(1)

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(This story is set in the feudal era, please be kind to me if something is slightly wrong about this. I don't know too much about the Japanese feudal era. Also, I couldn't a picture of Iwaizumi as a Kitsune and that lowkey makes me sad, but it's okay.)

(Yoshino; age nine)

   Yoshino has always been told she's a curious child, though, she never really remembers what it means. The word is just too big for her to understand—and that may be a reason she's so facinated by everything around her.

   Which is why she wondered what the man was always doing in the tree just outside their garden everyday. She always wondered it, since the first time she saw him a few years ago.

   He was tall and muscular, with dark spiky hair and dark eyes. What Yoshino really finds peculiar is the set of nine tails that stick out from his behind.

   Yoshino has never seen anyone like him, and she wanted to know him. Maybe it was her nature, or something else, but she wanted to meet him.

   "Mister!" She yells, waving to him.

   The man looks over. His eyes widen and he looks around, before looking back at Yoshino.

   "What're you doing up in the tree?" She asks.

   The man doesn't answer. He stands up, looks at the ground, and waits. Yoshino cocks her head to the side.

   "You monster!" Yoshino hears from behind her. The man flinches. "Were you trying to possess her?"

   The man looks over with a sort of apologetic look, but more of Yoshino's family walks over as well.

   "You can't take her, demon!"

   "Stay away from this place!"

   "You cannot entre this home!"

   The man looks away from them and hops off the tree, and Yoshino swears she sees him turn into a fox.

   "Are you okay, Yoshi?" Her mother asks, and her father and the house hold servants lean in, too.

   "I'm okay," she says, looking over at the tree. "He didn't even say or do anything."

(Yoshino; age thirteen)

   Yoshino saw the man many times over the last few years. Well, she isn't sure if she should call him a man. Since the first time she's seen him, she's learned the true name for his kind.

   He's a Kitsune.

   They were said to be evil spirits. Ones that took your life force, memories, and even your human form. Kitsune's lived long—over 900 years old.

   She learned more than that, though.

   Yoshino knows how dangerous the Kitsune is—he's got all nine tails. The more tails they have, the more powerful, and the older that are. The Kitsune that sits on her tree is at least nine hundred years old.

   "Hey!" Yoshino says, hoping to get his attention. And get his attention she did. She is out here intentionally. Her household servants were inside at the moment, and her family was out of business.

   The Kitsune raises an eyebrow, but he doesn't talk yet.

   "Why do you always sit in the tree?" Yoshino asks. "There are so many better places to go."

   The Kitsune looks out to the rest of the town. "I guess so," he says. It's the first time Yoshino has heard his voice. It's deep and a little gruff. That's the best she can describe it, anyway. "But I like it here."

   "Why?" Yoshino asks, rocking on her feet a little bit. "Everyone here tells you to leave and shouts nasty things at you when you come here."

   "Well," he says. "I get yelled at everywhere I go. We're not very welcome here at all."

   Yoshino freezes when he says that. She doesn't know how she forgot about that.

   "I guess that true," Yoshino says.

   "Why are you even talking to me?" He says. "Aren't you scared that I'll take your soul or whatever the fuck people say?"

   Yoshino cocks her head to the side. "I don't think you're that threatening. You haven't tried to actually come inside and hurt anyone..."

   The Kitsune looks away from her. "Your the first person to tell me that."

   "Yoshino-san!" Yoshino hears from behind her. One of the house's maids, Tamiko, is running towards her. "Stay away from him! He's dangerous!" Tamiko pulls Yoshino behind her.

   "But he hasn't done anything to me," Yoshino says.

   Tamiko smacks her. "Stay quiet! You don't know what you're saying."

   Yoshino stands straight and nods, looking at the ground. Tamiko starts yelling at the Kitsune. After a few minutes of Tamiko still yelling, she looks up. The Kitsune is looking apologetically at Yoshino.

   "I'm sorry," he says to her. Yoshino smiles to tell him 'it's okay'.

   He leaves, Tamiko still yelling threats at him.

   "Stay away from this property, demon!" Tamiko yells. "Let's go inside, Yoshino-san."

   "S—sure," Yoshino says. She looks back over her shoulder one last time before she followed Tamiko into the house.


   The Kitsune came back every day for the next week. Yoshino had made an attempt to talk to him as much as possible, but Tamiko and the one of the other maids (who had been forced to watch Yoshino), Nanami, never gave her the chance.

   Today, they were all inside to see Yoshino's parents off for a business trip. Yoshino always made sure she wasn't there to see her parents off; she hates the farewell for some reason.

   She walks outside, and, of course, the Kitsune is here.

   "Hello," he says.

   "Hi," Yoshino says with a wave. "Um... if you don't mind me asking, why are you so persistent in coming here?"

   "I believe I told you it was because I liked the scenery around this home," he says.

   "Oh," Yoshino says. "I thought there may be another reason you just hadn't told me."

   "No," he says. "I simply like this place, Yoshino."

   Him saying her name made her aware; she didn't know his name.

   "Um," Yoshino says, "I realise I don't know your name. Do you mind telling me?"

   The Kitsune thinks for a minute before nodded. "I'm Iwaizumi Hajime."

   "Yoshi!" Nanami yells. Iwaizumi waves and hops off the tree. "I thought you were told to stay away from that demon."

   Yoshino growls. She's tired of hearing him be called that. "He's not a demon! So stop calling him that!"

   Nanami backs up with a shocked look.

   "He hasn't done anything," Yoshino says. She turns around and walks into the house, not saying a word to her parents or the servants.


A/n: why do I think this is so cute? That's probably just me tbh. The next chapter of this will have Yoshino be nineteen, almost twenty.

Also random note we back to publishing these at like 1 in the morning let's fucking go lol.

That's all I got to say. Love y'all! Hope you're doing well!


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