Valentine-Nishinoya Yuu(2)(LEMON)

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(Ngl, I was in the mood to write a lemon when I started writing this, so it just kinda evolved into a lemon. Also, fair warning, I'm new to writing these so it's probably not very good.)

   Valentines Day was on a school day this year, which slightly disappointed you. It just meant you couldn't spend as much time with Noya.

   When you got to school, you were tackled in a hug. You smiled and laughed before hugging Noya back. A few people were confused, but it didn't matter too much to you.

   You and Noya had always been close, sure, but the two of you hadn't ever really hugged or shit like that. It's not because either of you were against it. You had strict parents, and if you were being honest, they didn't like you really being friends with too many guys. They honestly didn't even like that you had a boyfriend when you told them.

   But now, you didn't care as much what they told you. It was your choice, in the end.

   "(N/n)!" Noya yelled.

   "Hiya," you said. Noya gripped your hand and smiled. You turned slightly pink, but smiled nonetheless.

   "So where are we going after school?" You asked.

   Noya looked at you and said, "first I wanna tell the team I'm not going to be there, after that we can go where ever you want to!"

   You laughed. You were excited for after school.


   You stood in the hallway outside of the gym and waited for Noya to get there. You hadn't been there long, but you knew Noya would take a bit longer than you because his class was farther away. He sprinted down the hall way, smiled when he saw you, kissed your cheek, and ran away into the gym.

   You turned red from his actions.

   "Noya!" You heard Ukai yell. "Get changed!"

   "Sorry, I won't be at practice," he yelled back. "See ya!" He ran out despite Ukai's yelling.

   "You ready?" You asked him, and he responded by nodding.

   "Where to?" Noya asked.

   You thought about it for a second before answering. "Let's just hang at your house."

   Noya smiled. "Sure," he said. "My parents are out for Valentines Day, and I don't think they'll be back for a while."

   The two of you walked to his house, hands intertwined. "What do you even want to do at my house?" Noya asked.

    You shrugged. "We can watch a movie or something like that. I'm okay with whatever you want to do." You smiled brightly at him, and his face tinged pink.

   When you get to his house, you go to find a movie, and Noya grabs some snacks. You find (F/M). You ran into the kitchen, where Noya was shoving popcorn into his mouth by the handful. You laughed and grabbed some of it.

   You went up to Noya's room and turned on the movie.

   You flopped on the bed and pulled Noya into a hug. You laid his head on to your chest, and Noya's face turned red. You were too focused on the movie to notice.

   After around half an hour, you noticed Noya moving around as if he was uncomfortable.

   "Yuu?" You asked him. He tensed a bit. "Are you okay?"

   "Um..." he said. "I'm fine..." His voice trailed off. You looked at Noya before realising what was happening.

   You smirked when you saw the tent in his pants. "Yuu~" you said. His face hit more red. "Do you want help?" You asked, face turning pink. After you said that, all of your courage disappeared.

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