Smile-Hinata Shouyou(1)

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(A/n: throughout this one shot (like the other parts later too) but depression, anxiety, and abuse are mentioned. Please read with caution)

You were well known not to be the happiest in the school. You weren't diagnosed with depression (but if you were being honest, that was because your parents didn't believe you had a reason to be depressed, nor did they believe depression was really a thing, so you just never got diagnosed), it was just you never smiled, never for real, anyway, plus the fact that you had a resting bitch face and stupidly short temper didn't help.

You were a second year at Karasuno, and were well familiar with the second and third years. You worked as a manager with Kiyoko. She'd dragged you into doing the job at first, but you started to have more fun with it as the year went on. Most of the reason she dragged you was because you were a libero in middle school—a damn good one at that—but you ended up not continuing in high school for no reason.

Along with being a libero, you had learned how to set, in both the way a libero does and the way a setter does. You had always been dedicated to the sport, and now you helped Karasuno with receiving.

Everyone on the team knew to stay on task when you were there, unless you wanted hell unleashed upon them.

Everyone but the first years.

There was one that caught your eye rather quickly. He was a short ginger who seemed way to energetic for his own good. His name was Hinata Shouyou. You didn't know what made you interested in him, but you did know he was going to be a pain in the ass.

You met him and the other first years on the first day of practice, though Hinata and Kageyama got thrown out. After practice, you walked out to find the boys still there.

"What the hell are you two doin' here?" You asked. Kageyama looked at you. Hinata walked over and simply asked you for your name. "(L/N) (Y/N)," you tell him.

"(L/N)~senpai," he said. "I just want to be able to practice." You were a little surprised he called you senpai, but you didn't point it out.

You sighed. "Maybe you shouldn't have fought with Kageyama," you said. Hinata looked at the ground. You heard Ryu talking about practice the next morning, and you put a finger to your mouth to shush Hinata.

You smiled at the two, though it was strained, uncomfortable, and pretty clearly fake. "Look," you said. "I'm not with you or against you. Just have fun." You said. And with that you went home, already a little tired of the two.


A few months have passed since then. You and Hinata were as close as you and Suga were.

"(Y/N)~Chan!" Hinata called. You turned around.

"Hey, Shouyou," you said.

He bounced like a little puppy. "Can you set for me?" He asked. You nodded.

He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you towards the gym. Your face dusted with pink, though it wasn't enough to be noticeable. You had to admit, after getting much closer with Hinata, you thought he was cute. Not just looks wise. His personality was adorable to you.

Was that a weird thing to think? You didn't know, nor did it matter to you.

After you and Hinata practiced for a while, it was getting late, and you decided to wrap up.

"(Y/N)~chan! Can we get pork buns?" He asked. You chuckled a bit.

"Sure," you said.

On the way there, you both were enjoying yourselves. You didn't know if Hinata could tell that you were though—your expression was pretty flat.

You decided to wait outside as Hinata went to go get the pork buns, when you heard their voices.

They were familiar, though you hated them. Sasumi Chizuru and Kagumi Aoki were your bullies.

Now, they didn't so much bully you now; you hadn't been bullied since second year of junior high. But they did go out of their way to insult you and make your life hell. You guessed it was technically bullying, but you hated to use the word, though you didn't know why you had such an aversion to it.

They had commented on you many many times, and you were pretty much used to it by now.

But, today was different.

"Oh," Aoki said, pointing at you. She had dark blue hair and cold black eyes. "Look who's here?" Chizuru walked over, waving at Aoki to follow.

"What do you want?" You asked. You were hoping beyond hope that Hinata stayed inside while they were out here.

Aoki draped her arm over your shoulder, gripping your shoulder and pulling you closer. You glared at her. "What's wrong, don't you like us?"

"What do you want?" You asked.

Aoki slapped you. "I was trying to give you a second chance, but since you're too stupid to figure that out, might as well drill it into you."

You rubbed your cheek and stayed quiet. "What're you doing out here, bitch?" Chizuru asked.

You looked at the ground. You wanted to keep Hinata out of this.

Chizuru shoved you against the window behind you. You grunted. She had your collar in her grip. "Are you going to fucking answer me?" She asked. You looked at the ground.

"(Y/N)~chan?" You heard from next to you.

You looked over at Hinata. Shit, you thought. Chizuru pulled you off the window then threw you back into it. You slid down it a bit before regaining your balance.

"Shouyou," you muttered.

"Who's this?" Aoki said, leanings all of her body weight onto you.

"(Y/N)~chan? Who are they?" Hinata asked.

"We're her friends, Shortie," Chizuru said. Hinata, as dumb as he may have been, didn't believe her.

"Leave her alone," he said.

Aoki chuckled. "The Shrimp has balls."

"Leave him out of this," you said. Aoki shoved you again. You tripped over your foot and landed on your ass.

"(Y/N)~chan!" Hinata shouted.

Ukai walked out, having heard the loud noises from outside.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked. He saw you on the ground, disheveled, and everyone else's tense stature.

Eventually, Ukai got Aoki and Chizuru to go away. Ukai brought you inside, and Hinata came with you.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Ukai asked. You didn't answer. You were physically fine. But, you had to admit, their words were starting to get to you. You weren't a sensitive person, not by any means, but they had been doing this for at least four years years now. Hateful words for that long wear people down.

Arms wrapped around you. You looked up, and a mess of red hair was in your face. Hinata held you tightly, and you eventually hugged him back.

Small tears streamed from your eyes. When Hinata pulled away, you were still crying. "C'mon, (Y/N)," he said. "Why don't you smile for me?" He grinned.

You laughed a little bit, and gave him a genuine smile, which was probably the first time you had.


A/n: this is adorable to me. I don't know. I like this one a lot.

Love y'all! Hope you're doing well!


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