Jealous-Tsukishima Kei(3)

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   Your alarm sounded in your ears. You were still tired. Maybe, you thought, going to bed at one A.M wasn't the best idea.

   You put on the uniform quickly. You stood outside. The grogginess hadn't worn off yet, and you were wondering when it was going to. At some point, Shouyou yelled your name and waved you over.

   "Hey," you said.

   He greeted you back. As you walked, someone jumped on your back. You cried out in surprise. You turned to slap whoever the hell that was, and found Aiko with an innocent smile.

   "Oh, Aiko," you said. "I was about to slap you."

   She laughed dryly. "You wouldn't."

   You smirked. "Wanna try me?" And with that, Aiko shut up. Shouyou looked back and forth between you.

   "Have I met you before?" Shouyou asked Aiko.

   "Oh," she said. "I don't think so. You're Hinata, right?" Shouyou nodded. "Nomura Aiko."

   Shouyou and Aiko got along fairly well as you walked to school. The two of you waved to Shouyou and walked into class. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were already talking. Yamaguchi waved to you and Aiko, and Tsukishima just looked over.

   Aiko and Yamaguchi looked at each other and laughed, which confused you, but you left it alone. The four of you talked until your Sensei came in.

   "Okay, kids," he said. "We'll be starting a new project." (A/n: so fucking cliché XD)

   Aiko and Yamaguchi looked at each other and smirked. You raised an eyebrow, but focused back onto Sensei quickly.

   "It will be a partner project based around gethering information about one system in the human body." Sensei gave you all papers and told you to get into partners. You looked at Aiko and Tsukishima looked at Yamaguchi, but the two seemed to meet a mutual agreement and shook their heads.

   If you were being honest, you wanted to go with Tsukishima more than Aiko as it was, but you were sure he didn't like you the way you liked him. Aiko had bugged you about it for a whole week, and you finally accepted that you did, in fact, have a crush on the telephone pole.

   You looked at Tsukishima and smiled, and you thought you saw the lightest hint of pink on his cheeks. You moved you desk next to his, as others were doing with their partners. Your teacher hands out the body systems, and you and Tsukishima were given the nervous system. Neither of you were worried about the project. Both of you got good marks, so the project would go well.

   "When should we start this?" You asked.

   Tsukishima shrugged. "After practice, I guess."

   "We can go to my house. My parents are out of town on business, and my brother is probably going to spend the night with his girlfriend," you say.

   Tsukishima nodded and said, "You have a brother?"

   You hummed and looked up at him. "Yeah," you said. "His name's Hayato. I think he runs a tattoo shop. His main job is commissions for art, though."

   Tsukishima smirked. "You think?"

   You smacked his arm playfully. "I don't see Hayato too often. I know he wanted to own one, but I can't remember if he actually runs it."

   You and Tsukishima continued to laugh and joke around (though it was mostly you laughing), with Aiko and Yamaguchi staring at the two of you while smirking.

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