Chance-Oikawa Tooru(3)

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   (This isn't a sad one shot btw. This is the only photo I had in my camera roll and I'm too lazy to go look up another photo.)

You hadn't found the chance to see Oikawa in person for a while. You'd not had enough time to go back to Hajime's house because it was late summer when you'd gone and school had started up before you found the time.

Sure you'd called Oikawa and the two of you had texted and things like that, but those are never the same as seeing each other in person. The first time you'd managed to see him was when you were invited to their first official game against Karasuno. Oikawa was also going to spend time with you at his house after the game, because you didn't know when you'd see him again.

You'd happened to meet some of Karasuno's team, more specifically Hinata and Kageyama. The two of them had dragged you to meet the rest of the team, and looking back on it that was a little weird.

You sat in the front row with your best friend, who honestly didn't believe that you and Oikawa had started dating, in front of all the Seijoh students. You weren't wearing your school uniform because you didn't want to draw too much attention to yourself.

Karasuno came out after a while. Hinata noticed you and waved, leading to pretty much everyone else calling your name and/or waving.

"(Y/n)?" one girl asked.

"Why are they looking over here?" One boy asked. You waved a bit.

Then, Seijoh came out. You didn't know what you expected when Oikawa and Hajime walked out with their team. The large group of girls behind you cheered loudly, pretty much directly into your ear. You flinched at the sudden noise.

Oikawa turned around once the girls started yelling, and waved at you. You waved back silently, but that caused a massive uproar.

"He's waving to me!"

"No, me!"

"You're both wrong! He was looking at me when he did it!"

Yells like this persisted for a while. Oikawa seemingly got a little tired of it, because he pouted and called out, "Hi, (Y/n)~chan! I love you!"

All of the girls gasped. "I love you too, you big dork!" You yelled back, just to embarrass him a bit. It looked like it worked, because Oikawa turned a shade of red, and that, along with his outburst, got him a ball to the back of the head by Hajime.

"You weren't kidding..." (B/F/N) said, a little defeated. They had liked Oikawa for a while, but, if you were being honest, who didn't like your boyfriend?

You smiled awkwardly. "I told you," you said with a nervous laugh. You felt all the stares piercing the back of your head. They were harsh enough to kill a man.


After the game, you waited outside the gym for Oikawa and Hajime. Your friend stood near you, asking so many questions your ears hurt.

"How did you meet him?"

"On accident when I went to stay at Hajime's place."

"How did you get him to like you?"

"You make it sound like I bribed him."

"Just answer the question."

"I don't know why he started to like me."

"How'd he ask you out?"

"I was about to leave and he asked me out at the train station."

"Hey, girls!" You heard Oikawa say. You breathed a sigh of relief. The questions would finally stop.

"Hi, Tooru," you said with a smile. "Hi, Hajime."

Your cousin waved at you. Oikawa walked over and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He pulled you into his side.

(B/F/N) stared at you during the interaction. "This is amazing!" They yelled. You raised an eyebrow. Oikawa laughed a bit.

You noticed Hajime glaring at Oikawa, but you didn't say anything.

The four of you talked for a little bit before Oikawa said, "well, (Y/n)~chan and I have to go." You had almost forgotten about staying at Oikawa's for the weekend. Your parents had allowed it, though you didn't expect them to. Oikawa has thought of the idea so that you two could spend a little more time together.

"Where?" Hajime asked. He was clearly a little upset when Oikawa said that.

"(Y/n)~chan is coming over to my house," Oikawa said. Hajime was about to protest, but you spoke up and cut him off.

"Well," you said, grabbing Oikawa's hand. "See you guys later!" And with that, you started running, dragging Oikawa with you.


"I'm surprised you left your friend and Hajime back there," Oikawa said.

"Hajime knows (B/F/N)," you said. "He was over to see me and Fukurōdani had a game, so Hajime came with me and met them there."

Oikawa nodded. The two of you walked to Oikawa's house rather quickly. Both of you were hoping to avoid mobs of girls who liked Oikawa, and, for the most part, you did.

You sighed when you walked into his house. You were tired, and just wanted a little bit of rest. You took off you shoes and ran to find the couch. When you did, you hopped onto it face first.

"You okay, (Y/n)~chan?" Oikawa asked.

"Yeah," you said. "I'm fine. I'm just a little tired from walking."

Oikawa laughed a bit. "You really are lazy."

"Oh come on!" You said. "It's not fair when you say it."

"Why?" He asked.

"You're a famous setter for a school that's pretty much a powerhouse," you said. "I'm sure a lot of people seem lazy to you."

He laughed a bit. "That's not totally true."

You sat up and faced him. "Wanna watch a movie?" You asked.

"Yup," he said childishly. You laughed, and the two of you picked out a movie and got the popcorn ready. During that process, however, you spilled water all over your shirt.

"Shit," you said. "Tooru!"

"Yeah?" He said as he turned around. You pointed to your shirt.

"Can I borrow one of yours?" You asked.

Oikawa nodded and blushed a bit. He showed you to his room and pointed to his closet. "Pick any of them."

You thanked him and looked through the closet. The entire room smelled like Oikawa. You grabbed one and changed into the hoodie. It was a couple sizes too big, but you didn't really mind. It also smelled like Oikawa.

You walked back with your hands stuffed into the pockets.

"Thanks for letting me borrow this, Tooru," you said as you walked in.

Oikawa blushed when he saw you in his hoodie. "No problem."

The both of you sat down and started the movie, your head on his shoulder and his arm caught in a hug.


A/n: sorry to end it here, but I did this for a reason. That reason being, I think it's about to start getting spicy in this story. It honestly depends on when the mood strikes me.

I've been waiting to write the spicy shit, and I think me being able to openly admit that means I need Jesus.

If you don't want to read the lemons, they will very rarely hold any significance, so you can skip them.

Love y'all!


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