Chance-Oikawa Tooru(2)

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You woke up the next morning to a strange warmth around you. Your eyes opened slowly. You felt something under your head. You looked around. Someone had placed a pillow under your head and a blanket around you.

   You went to sit up, but something stopped you. It pulled you closer. You yelped quietly. You turned around. Oikawa's face was peaceful.

   You couldn't help your face from turning red. You'd thought Hajime was the one who'd put the pillow under your head and the blanket over you. His eyes fluttered open.

   Oh, fuck, you thought. Once his brown eyes fully opened, they locked with your (E/C) ones.

   "Morning, (L/N)~Chan," Oikawa said.

   "M—morning," you said. Then Oikawa realized where he was, seemingly. His face turned red. His hands retreated from your waist.

   "Um," he said, "so—so sorry."

   "Oh," you said. "It's—it's okay. I'm just not used to talking to many people, and I didn't know that this had happened. And I feel like I'm rambling so I'm gonna shut up now."

   He got up off the couch. You had heard about how Oikawa had a crazy huge number of fans, all of which were female. So why was he so flustered? You knew he hadn't heard of you because you weren't a big shot athlete.

   Hajime walked in. "Everything okay in here?" He looked at you, making sure you were okay, then he glared at Oikawa.

   "Everything is fine, Hajime," you told him. "I just wasn't expecting Oikawa to be right next to me." He nodded, but didn't really look convinced.

   You stood and stretched your arms. Oikawa's eyes never left your body. "Who wants breakfast?" You asked.

   The boys smiled. "What should we get?" Hajime asked.

   Oikawa shrugged. "I kinda want waffles," you said. Hajime nodded.

   "Sounds good to me," He said. You and Hajime had to change since you had clothes, but Oikawa opted for just wearing what he wore yesterday.

   You walked up to the guest room. You had enough clothes for the week if you wore only one a day and didn't have to change. You grabbed black shorts that had frayed ends. You then grabbed a One Punch Man shirt. (A/n: if you haven't seen One Punch Man or don't like it you can change it. That's just a popular anime I thought about as I wrote this.)

   You took off the shirt you had on yesterday so you just had on a bra and really short shorts. You heard the door handle shake. You weren't concerned until you realized you forgot to lock it.

   "Hey, Iwa~Chan?" Oikawa asked as he opened the door. You turned around and tensed. He visibly tensed as well.

   He retreated out the door. "S—sorry." Your face was red. You could tell he was a mess.

   "What did you want?" You asked.

   "It doesn't matter," he said. You heard footsteps. It was clear he was embarrassed. You changed quickly. When you got out there, plates of waffles sat on the table. You were glad Hajime could cook something.

   You sat down and smiled at the food. It looked really damn good. Oikawa still had a dash of red over his face. You smiled a little.

   As much as you didn't necessarily wanted to admit it, he was handsome. When he was flustered, he was really cute. He had his hand covering half his face, but the red was still clearly there.

   "Okay," Hajime said, noticing the uncomfort in the room, "what the fuck happened?" You look at your hands and don't answer. Oikawa answers for you.

   "Just a little mistake," he said. Hajime narrowed his eyes at Oikawa. He moved on as if it was nothing, but you could tell he was a little mad.

   You gathered your stuff and waited to say goodbye to Hajime. Oikawa walked over. "You're going home?"

   You nodded. "My parent don't really like me being this far away for too long, since it's pretty far away. They'll let me stay over longer the more I come over though."

   Hajime walked over and hugged you. You hugged him back and waved. Oikawa walked out with you.

   You and Oikawa shared a comfortable silence. He walked you to the station and waited with you. The train wasn't going to come for about ten minutes.

   "Fuck it," you heard Oikawa mutter. You looked at him.

   "Are you okay?" You asked him.

   "I just wanted to tell you," he paused, his face turning a deep shade of red. "I wanted to tell you that I—I think you're amazing, and I really like you. I've heard a lot about you from Iwa~chan, and I've heard your an amazing person, and I can tell that your an awesome person. Even if I only met you yesterday." He muttered the last part, and you barely heard it. You turned red.

   "Would open to going out with me sometime?" He asked.

   As soon as he said that, you started thinking. You had admitted from the moment you saw him that he was attractive. And, thinking honestly, he was super funny and kind, as annoying as he might have been.

   You smiled at him. "Yeah," you said. "That'd be nice." 

   At that moment, Oikawa seemingly broke. He  stood frozen for a second. "R—really?" He asked. He hugged you tightly. The two of you exchanged numbers quickly before the train came. When it finally showed, he waved you off, and you went home with a fuzzy feeling burning in your chest.


A/n: is this a little to fast to get into a relationship? Yes. Do I care? Hell no.

That's pretty much all I got. Love y'all!


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