Jealous-Tsukishima Kei(2)

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The weekend came eventually. It was a slow process, it seemed. You put on a pair of shorts and a shirt before gripping your phone and walking out the door. You happened to see Shouyou while walking down your driveway to the side walk.

"Oh," you said. "Hey, Shouyou!" He smiled at you and waved.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Well, a friend I made the first day dragged me to practice and I was told about the game. I was more or less dragged into this too." He laughed a little. "Have you met Tsukishima and Yamaguchi at all?"

His expression hardened. "Yeah. The blond one challenged Kageyama and me."

You looked at the concrete. So it was Kageyama for Kitagawa First. "Kageyama is on the team?"

He nodded. "He's a really good setter too. But he won't throw me many tosses."

You nodded. You really didn't know what else to say or do. The two of you walked to the school. On the way, you heard your name. You turned to see Aiko running up to you.

Shouyou looked at you. "Who's this?"

"The friend that dragged me to practice," you said. Aiko nodded proudly. "Aiko, this is Hinata Shouyou. Shouyou, this is Nomura Aiko."

The two greeted each other. "So, Hinata, are you a libero?" Aiko asked.

Shouyou's face turned blank. You laughed. "I'm not a libero! I'm usually a winged Spiker!" He yelled.

Aiko raised and eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

You looked at her. "You'll see. He's serious, though." She gaped at the two of you. You knew what she was thinking:

She's kidding, right? He can't be a Spiker when he's that short.

They all laughed or thought it was a mistake. It wasn't. Shouyou was interesting in that way. He'd tried harder than everyone because of his height. You liked that about him.

The three of you walked to the school and you saw someone run past you once you entered the gate. What the fuck? You thought as the blur ran past you.

"No way you're beating me, Kageyama!" Shouyou yelled. Then he chased after him.

"So that's the genius setter I've heard about," Aiko muttered.

You nodded. "I've seen him play. He's really goddamn good, but that didn't seem like the serious, scary, intimidating Kageyama I saw at the game."

Aiko shrugged. "Let's go see these first years get their asses kicked!" You laughed and walked to the gym. When you got there, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walked up to you.

"You came." Tsukishima's voice was monotone.

"Of course I did. I wanna see if you can kick their asses. So does Aiko," you said. Aiko nodded. You both looked at each other and smirked. "Don't go easy on 'em." Yamaguchi widened his eyes, but Tsukishima smirked.

"Wouldn't plan on it," he told you.

The two walked to one side of the net, and you and Aiko walked to the bleachers. Tanaka, Kageyama, and Shouyou were on the other. Sawamura announced he'd be on Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's side. Kageyama and Shouyou started freaking out until Sawamura told them he was mostly defensive while Tanaka was offensive.

Tsukishima started to taunt the other three, but Tanaka simply announced he was going kick their asses.

The game started with Tanaka spiking through Tsukishima's block. Tanaka laughed. You knew Shouyou would get his chance soon.

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