Mine-Kuroo Tetsurou(1)

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   Your brother annoyed you sometimes. Any sibling would, it was normal. But when all your brother did was play on his PSP, you were really pissed you off. He would ignore you all the time.

   "Keeeeennnmmmmaaa!" You whined. Your younger brother looked at you. "Why don't you talk to me sometimes? You know I've got no one to talk to."

   Kenma shrugged. Then went back to his game. Fucking asshole, you couldn't help but think.

   You sighed and stood. It was the weekend, and you didn't really have much to do. You could text Kuroo. It was something to do, you guessed. You and Kuroo had been friends since first year in middle school. He was pretty cool and always had that derpy ass smile on his face and a pervy thought in his brain.

   You pulled out your phone and started to text him. "What're you doing?"

   Kenma's voice scared you a little. He usually ignored you. "I'm asking Kuroo if he wants to come over or something because you won't even look at me and I'm bored."

   "I'm going to my room then," Kenma said.

   "Fine, I guess," you said, sending the text.

Hey, Kuroo! Kenma's ignoring me again. Can you come over or something?
10:27 A.M

Hey. I don't really have anything to do today, so I'll come over. I'm kinda surprised you asked me tho
10:28 A.M

I don't have many friends, dude. And the ones I have are out of town. You should know that.
10:28 A.M

Whatever. Cya in a minute.


   You put your phone down and looked over at Kenma's room. He had closed his door. You scoffed lightly and rolled your eyes. Kenma had a way of ignoring people.

   About ten minutes later, you heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" You yelled.

   You opened the door to see a mess of black bed-head. Kuroo had his signature perv smile on his face. "You called?" He said.

   "Come on in," you said with a laugh.

   The two of you walked into your room. You flopped on the bed. He leaned on the wall. "So," Kuroo said, "What now?"

   "Dunno," you answered with a shrug.

   Kuroo laughed. "Spur of the moment choice, huh?"

   "Eh, fuck you," you said. You reached for the nearest pillow. Once you'd grabbed it, you threw it at him. It hit him in the face. You laughed.

   "Oho ho?" He said. "So that's how you wanna play?"

   "Aw shit," you muttered. The pillow hit the back of your head as you dove away. You grabbed another pillow. You threw it. He caught it.

   For the moment he was distracted, you dove forward and slammed the pillow he threw at you into his side. He grunted. Apperently you could hit hard with a pillow. Useless skill, you guessed.

   He slammed the pillow on your back. You both kept it up for a solid ten minutes.

   Kuroo smirked. He dropped the pillow and tackled you. You dropped your pillow. You landed on your back. You gasped, even though you landed on the soft bed. You honestly hadn't expected Kuroo to do that.

   Kuroo gripped your wrists tightly. His black eyes stared into yours. Despite the messiness, you loved the way he looked. You'd felt that way since first year in high school. You liked Kuroo a lot.

   "You know what?" He muttered. "Fuck it."

    He leaned in closer. You felt his lips brush yours lightly. He hesitated for a moment, then leaned back in and kissed you for real. His lips were soft.

   Kuroo licked your lip, asking for entrance. You let him in. His tongue roamed your mouth. At some point, you fought for dominance. You lost.

   Kuroo let go of your wrists and put his hands on the bed to steady himself a little more. Your arms snaked around his neck and pulled him closer. You broke apart, only for breath, then pulled him back in.

   Kuroo pulled away. You both were panting.

   "From now on," He said, "you're mine."

   You laughed. "Of course."

   "(Y/N)?" Kenma asked. He was coming towards your room.

   "Yeah?" You called back.

   "Are you okay?" He asked.

   "Yeah," you said. "Why?"

   "It was just really loud in—" he said as he walked up. You realized Kuroo was still on top of you. "I'm gonna kill you, Kuroo."

   "Kenma—" Kuroo started.

   You started laughing. It started as a giggle, but grew louder. The boys looked at you. "It's okay, Kenma. I'm fine. You don't have to kill anyone."

   Kenma scoffed, then he walked away.

   You pulled Kuroo's forehead to yours. "I love you," He said.

   "I love you too," you said. It was safe to say it, too. You had loved the way he looked. The way he acted. You had developed a sort of crush on him first year. But, the more time went on, the more you liked him. Everytime he touched you, shocks spread through you. He could always calm you down or make you act stupid. It was when Third year began that you truly felt like you could say you loved him. But now you could say it out loud. To him.

   It seemed unreal to you that it was happening.

   I love you, Kuroo, you thought as you pulled him into a hug. I love you so damn much.


A/n: okay, but like, I'm proud of this one. I don't know why, the one with Tsukki is probably better written than this, but hey, who really gives a shit, in the end.

I hope y'all are enjoying these so far. I'm open to criticism if you want to give it. I have a few more in the editing process, and I was thinking if y'all would be interested in me rewriting a few of the chapters once I get more of them farther along the way. Idk, I thought it'd be an interesting thing to see how my writing style may change over time and to see how much better I would have gotten. But that's a really long way off, so I won't worry about it right now.

Hope y'all are doing well! Love y'all!


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