Smile-Hinata Shouyou(3)

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(Y'all I'm really hype for Hinata while I'm writing this and I don't know where it came from but I'm 100% down for this shit. He's fucking adorable.

Also, TW for later in this one shot! There are mentions of abuse! Stay safe.)

You and Hinata laid on his bed. Hinata has his arms wrapped around your waist and had you pulled close, as if he were trying to shield you from the world. You didn't mind at all—in fact you though it was a little cute when he was like this.

You were slowly going to sleep. You knew you had to go to school tomorrow, and that you needed sleep, but something almost stopped you. You didn't know what it was, but you felt it.

Hinata laid his head against to base of your neck. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you."

"It's okay, Shouyou," you said. "I—I didn't want to tell anyone about it."

"But why?" He asked. "He could be arrested for it."

"I—I know," you said. Your father always called you terrible things, and you had almost accepted those names. He was your father after all—he knows enough about you for it to make sense, right?

You had always told yourself that. Only a few people knew, and those that you'd told before Hinata had told you the same thing.

He's wrong. None of this is your fault.

Suga told you that over and over, and Kiyoko made an effort not to bring it up so she didn't upset you, but whenever it came up she told you that too.

You knew deep down that they were right, but the message never managed to stick once your dad yelled at you.

"So why are you defending him?" Hinata asked.

You didn't answer. You didn't know what to say. You never thought you'd get out of that place, so you had never had the chance to think about calling the police about him.

"I guess it doesn't matter right now," he said. "We can call the police tomorrow. You should get some sleep."

You nestled into your spot. "Thanks, Shouyou." And afternoon he said that, you managed to slip into unconsciousness.


You woke up the next morning to an alarm sounding in your ears. You groaned. You didn't want to get up.

Once the alarm stopped, Hinata's arm that was under you slipped away. You rolled over into you back lazily.

"I don't want to get up," you said.

Hinata laughed. After a long while of you complaining, you finally got up. Hinata went downstairs to let you change by yourself. He told you he's get you food as he shut the door. You quickly changed into your uniform.

You walked downstairs after you got ready. You smelt food that had already been made. You smiled a bit when you walked into the kitchen. Natsu was sitting at the table, and Shouyou was packing things in his bag.

You grabbed some of the food, ruffled Natsu's hair, and walked over to Shouyou. "You ready to go?" You asked.

"Yup!" He said. You laughed a bit. He was cute when he was happy like this.

The two of you walked to school, mostly talking about volleyball. Hinata slipped his hand into yours. You gratefully took it. You noticed a bit of a red tint on Hinata's cheeks, and chuckled a little bit at it.

Once you two got to school, you hugged Hinata and ran to your class. Noya and Tanaka sat there smirking.

"What?" You asked as you sat down.

"You and Shouyou seem really close," Noya said.

"And?" You asked, face heating a little.

"What happened?" Tanaka asked.

"I—I'd rather not talk about it," you say.

"Huh?" Noya asked. "Did something bad happen?"

"What?" You asked. "Not between me and Hinata, no."

The two were extremely confused, but didn't press the subject, which you thought was nice. Your Sensei came in not too long after, and you zoned out almost immediately.


It was mid day when you got the panic attack. It's not like they didn't happen—they just weren't that common. You weren't totally sure if it was even from one of your triggers; in the end, it didn't matter.

You sat in front of Noya in the class, which was English. Sensei was talking about the lesson when your chest started to tighten. Your breathing became heavier.

"(Y/n)~chan?" Noya asked, making you jump a bit. "Are you okay?"

"Y—yeah," you lied, close to tears. You put your head in your hand in hopes to hide your crying. Your other hand was gripping onto your skirt.

It only got worse when your dad popped into your head.

It was also when people noticed you, and the people staring didn't really help too much.

"(L/n)~chan? Are you okay?" Sensei said, kneeling beside you. You kept crying, and it was pretty loud. "Do you want to go outside?"

You nodded.

"Do you need somebody to come with you?"

You didn't answer.

"I'll go with her," Noya says. Once you get outside, you sink to the floor and start bawling even more.

"It's—it's my fault," you muttered to yourself. "I—I shouldn't have g—got him mad."

"(Y/n)~chan, what are you talking about?" Noya asked. He sat down in front you and gently hugged you. Him asking that made it worse, because all that he did came back to you.

"I—I can't stop thinking about it," you said. "It w—won't go—go away." You kept sobbing. "Can—can you get Shouyou?"

Noya peaked his head in the classroom, still holding your hand as you cried. You squeezed it, hoping it'd help you stop crying.

It didn't help much.

Hinata was shown there by one of the people in your class that you were friends with, who walked back into class after giving you a quick hug.

"(Y/n)~chan!" Hinata said as he ran over. Noya moved over. Hinata day in front of you, and you pulled him into a tight hug. "What's wrong?"

"I—I can't stop thinking about what he said," you said. Hinata may not have known the specifics of what he said, but he knew enough of it to understand.

After about fifteen minutes, you'd calmed down mostly. Your breathing was still erratic and small tears still left your eyes, but you felt like you could talk.

"Are you okay?" Noya asked you. You nodded. "Can I ask what happened?"

You looked at Hinata. "Can you tell him for me? I... I'd prefer to stop crying."

Hinata nodded. He told Noya about your dad, and you sat there numbly rubbing circles on Hinata's hand with your thumb. Once Hinata finished, Noya looked at you.

"Why did you keep this to yourself?" Noya asked. "I would have happily helped you."

"I—I thought you'd think less of me," you said.

Noya hugged you. "This wouldn't change what I think of you!" He said. You started to cry a little. You hugged him back.

It took a few more minutes to fully calm you down, but you got there eventually. Hinata has to go back to his class, and you and Noya went back to yours.


A/n: sorry the ending is a little weird. Also sorry for not posting, I've been super busy with school. :)

Love y'all! Hope you're doing well!


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