Fly-Yokai!Hoshiumi Korai x Yokai!OC(2)

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~•Third Person POV•~

It's been a few days since Yoshino had Hoshiumi meet Mizu. Mizu and Hoshiumi had apparently talked some, but that's according to Mizu so Yoshino didn't know how much to trust it.

Hoshiumi has been stuck in Yoshino's mind. She fell for others quite often—and quite easily. She didn't like that she did, but, hey, what could she do?

She sighs. Yoshino has been rather bored since that day. She didn't know why. She does basically the same thing everyday. Yoshino sits up and swings her legs off the side of the branch.

She leans back, her legs wrapped around the branch to keep her from falling. She hangs upside down and sighs again.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asks. Yoshino jumps, starts to fall, and grabs the nearest branch to not hit her head on the ground. She pulls herself and looks at the owner of the voice. Hoshiumi has an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, Korai," Yoshino says, earning a small glare from Hoshiumi. "You scared me."

Hoshiumi looks away, a little red. "S—sorry."

Yoshino sits next to him and laughs. "It's okay."

"You really like this spot, huh?" He asks.

Yoshino laughs a bit. "I guess. It's nice and quiet up here."

Hoshiumi looks out at the sea of people. The park is rather crowded today. Yoshino notices Hinata is flying away from Kageyama. She laughs a bit, and Hoshiumi follows her gaze.

"You're pretty close with them." Yoshino looks over at him.

She shrugs. "I guess you could call it close," she says.

Before Hoshiumi can ask what she means, Yoshino continues talking. "Do you want to meet other people?"

Hoshiumi decides to keep the new topic, because Yoshino seemingly doesn't want to talk about it. "Sure," he says.

"Is Hinata the only Tengu you've met?" She asks with a smile.

Hoshiumi nods. Yoshino stands on the branch. "I've got some people for you to meet, give me a second." She looks up at the sky. "Hinata! Kageyama! Get your asses over here!"

The two stop dead in their tracks, turn to look at her, and zoom down in front of her.

"Yeah, Yoshi?" Kageyama says.

"Gather some Tengu in the normal spot," she says. She points at Hoshiumi. "This guy needs to go out more and I'm having him meet other Yokai."

"You didn't have to phrase it like that," Hoshiumi mutters.

Hinata and Kageyama nod and fly off. Yoshino looks back at Hoshiumi. "The spot is we go to is pretty far away, you wanna walk for a little before we shift into animals?"

"Um..." he says. "Sure."

Yoshino hops down and waves him toward her. He follows her, though he does wonder why she wants to do it this way. It's much faster by animal.

"You sure like doing things the hard way," Hoshiumi says.

Yoshino shrugs. "This way is just a little slower. It's nice to enjoy a walk every now and then, right? Or is flying just superior?"

Hoshiumi laughs a bit. "Of course it is! You can see everything from above and you can go super high..." Hoshiumi continues to rant as the two walk, and Yoshino doesn't interrupt him once. After some time, Hoshiumi noticed he's ranting and stops. "Sorry, a little carried away."

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