Fly-Yokai!Hoshiumi Korai x Yokai!OC(3)

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~•Third person•~

Hoshiumi hasn't seen Yoshino in a few days. Despite this, no one else seems worried. Hoshiumi asked Mizu about it the other day.

"Don't worry, Hoshi," Mizu had told him. "She'll be back soon." Hoshiumi didn't know if she actually said this, but he thought he'd heard her say, "though, she's never been gonna this long".

Hoshiumi has grown rather concerned. Every time Hoshiumi asks about where she is, they deny him. They all say, "that's for Yoshi to tell you", just like Sakusa did a few days ago.

Hoshiumi sits in the tree Yoshino and him first met, hoping for her to come back. He's definitely curious, but he's more scared that curious.

Yoshino left him at the river where he met Mizu the first time they'd met, and he wasn't concerned about it. But after he got to know her, he wanted for her to be safe.

"Hey, Korai," he hears from behind him. He turns around and smiles at Yoshino.

"Are you okay?" Hoshiumi asks.

"Yeah?" Yoshino says and asks at the same time. "I'm fine. Why?"

"You were gone for a while," Hoshiumi says.

Yoshino shrugs. "I—it's nothing."

Hoshiumi frowns a bit. "Are you sure I can't help you?"

Yoshino smiles. "I'm sure. " Hoshiumi notices how strained the smile is. Yoshino looks rather stressed over something. Hoshiumi doesn't want to pry, but he's clearly concerned.

Hoshiumi smiles. "Okay, then," he says, his voice rather strained from acting indifferent.

Yoshino starts talking like nothing was wrong, but Hoshiumi picks up on small things that he hadn't noticed before. Her saddened smile, her slightly cold eyes. Hoshiumi isn't sure how he missed them, but they were there.

"So," Yoshino says, "how have you been the last few days?"

Hoshiumi shrugs. "I...I was just a little worried when you didn't come back. Other than that nothing special."

Yoshino laughs. It's a dry laugh, though. "You were worried about me?" Her voice is teasing, but Hoshiumi couldn't help but think that wasn't it. He shrugs it off for now.

The two of them keep talking before Tendou flys down in front of them. "Hey, Yoshi!" He says with a smile. "You were gonna a while, everything okay?"

Yoshino looks at the ground. When she looks back up, tears have swelled in her eyes. "I...I'm not sure..."

Tendou's smile drops. He hugs Yoshino, leaving Hoshiumi lost. Yoshino let's the tears fall onto Tendou's shoulder.

Hoshiumi sits there awkwardly. What can he do? Yoshino needs to be comforted, but how can he help if he doesn't know what this is about?

Yoshino pulls away and wipes her eyes after a moment. "I'm...I'm sorry about that Tendou," she says. "I was—I was hopping you didn't have to see that side of me again."


Tendou shrugs it off. "It's not a problem," he says. "You listen to me whenever I have something to say about Wakatoshi."

The name stands out to Hoshiumi. Sakusa had told him about the human lovers some Yokai had. Was that Tendou's partner?

Yoshino curls up into a ball. "You always talk about good things with Ushijima, though.'s gotten to the point where..." Yoshino brushes her eyes with her wrist.

Tendou hugs Yoshino again. "Thanks," she says when she pulls away. "It—it'll get better. I'm sure of it."

Hoshiumi rubs the back of his neck. "If you don't mind me asking," he starts, "what's going on?"

Yoshino sighs. "I was...kind of hoping you'd never have to see me this upset."

Hoshiumi looks at the ground and rubs his neck. "It''s okay."

"You should probably tell him, Yoshi," Tendou says softly. Hoshiumi has never seen this side Tendou, and he thinks it's rather interesting to see the awkward guy he is being kind.

Yoshino's eyes widen. "B—but..."

"He shouldn't be left in the dark when you're crying right now," Tendou says.

Yoshino grits her teeth. "F—fine."


~Approximately 70 years ago~

Yoshino squats on a building's roof, staring out at the sea of people going to work. Her hair is long for now and blowing behind her in the harsh breeze. Her clothes ruffle in the breeze; they're slightly uncomfortable.

"Who are you and why are you on the roof?" A woman behind Yoshino asks. Yoshino doesn't answer, assuming the woman is talking to someone else. "Are you going to answer or not?" She asks again.

Yoshino hears footsteps. They're coming towards her. Yoshino doesn't mind. Then a foot is planted on her back. Yoshino's eyes widen. The woman pushes Yoshino, who screams. She starts to fall, but she flips around and grabs the top of the wall so she doesn't fall down.

"Oh fuck," the woman says. "I—I didn't mean to actually push you."

Yoshino pulls herself up, scowling. What a pain in the ass, Yoshino thinks. "Who the hell thinks, 'I'm going to push someone off the damn roof'?"

Yoshino takes a good look at the girl. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of dark green mixed with brown, and matched her long black hair perfectly. Her face was slightly angular, and her gaze was sharp. She was tall—at least as taller than Yoshino.

Simply put, she was beautiful.

The girl pouted, but it could easily be mistaken as a scowl. "I said I didn't mean to."

Yoshino sighs. "Whatever."

"What're you even doing up here?" She asks. Yoshino, as if on cue, realises that she's talking to a human. Most humans can't really see Yoshino, at least to her knowledge.

"Nothing, really," she says. "But the more important question is, you can see me?"

The girl cocks her head to the side. "Well, yeah, I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

Yoshino sighs and sits on the ledge. "Well then," she says. "Try not to do it too often."

"Why not?"

"I'm dangerous."

"At least tell me your name."

"Nishimura Yoshino. What's yours, strange human?"

The girl gives Yoshino a strange look, most likely from Yoshino's nickname for her. "Takagi Kouta."


A/n: we finally have BACKSTORY. I've been waiting for this for god knows how long. It's a little short, but that's fine. I feel like this is a good place to cut it.

Random side note, I have a headcanon that Tendou is super sweet if your his friend and something's wrong because he knows how it feels. Idk, that's just how I see him.

Anyway, love y'all! Hope you're doing well!


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