Fly-Yokai!Hoshiumi Korai x Yokai!OC(4)

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~•Third Person POV•~

Yoshino has seen Takagi Kouta a lot recently. Maybe it's because she knows Takagi now, but it seems like she's everywhere Yoshino is. It's almost annoying.

"Yoshi!" Takagi yells. Yoshino turns around and shushes her. People turn and look at Takagi. Dammit, Yoshino thinks.

Yoshino pulls Takagi into the woods. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoshino asks.

"What do you mean?" Takagi asks. Yoshino sighs. "Anyway, how have you been?"

Yoshino jumps into a tree. "Fine," she says, looking out at the people walking by.

"That's good, right?" Takagi asks.

Yoshino sighs. "Sure."

Takagi frowns. "Can you at least try to have a meaningful conversation with me?"

Yoshino sighs. "Look, I told you not to talk to me, Takagi."

"You can just call me Kouta," she says.

"Fine...Kouta," Yoshino says. "Did it never occur to you that there was a reason I told you not to talk to me?"

Takagi taps her chin for a second, then shrugs. "Why?"

Yoshino sighs. "I'm going to say this simply, and I'm not going to sugar coat it," she says.

"Okay then," Takagi says. "Then tell me."

"I'm not a fucking human, Kouta," Yoshino says. Takagi's eyes widen and she takes a step back. "I'm an Obake."

Takagi slams her back against a tree and slides down it, landing on her ass when she hits the ground. Yoshino sighs once again. "This is why you shouldn't talk to me," Yoshino says. "You're scared of me."

"I—I am not!" Takagi yells. "I just don't believe you!" Yoshino growls. She shapeshifts into a fox and hops onto Takagi's lap with a snarl. Takagi yelps.

"You understand?" Yoshino asks. "I'm not supposed to be seen by you! People will just call you insane. People will leave you, and once you get tired of it, you'll leave me too!"

Takagi looks at Yoshino with a sorrowful gaze as Yoshino jumps off Takagi's lap and shape shifts back to a human form. "How do you know that?" Takagi asks.

"How old do you think I am?" Yoshino asks. "How many times do you think I've seen the exact same thing happen, and not only to me? My friends and I have been heartbroken by humans, because that's human nature to drift apart from other people."

Takagi frowns. "H—how long have you been—"

Yoshino scoffs and turns away, cutting Takagi off. "Long enough." Yoshino shapeshifts into a fox and runs deep into the forest, leaving Takagi alone in the bushes.


Yoshino sits in the roof of the building she met Takagi on. She always liked this building in particular, but if she was being honest, it was the height that she liked.

The thought of Takagi makes Yoshino mad, but, strangely, it was more than that. Sure, Takagi is an asshole who only cares about herself, but Yoshino has grown fond of her over the last couple months. Now, why Yoshino has grown fond of her is a mystery.

"Yoshi!" A familiar voice yells.

Yoshino growls. "I thought I told you to stay away from me," she says to Takagi.

"I don't give a shit what you told me," she says.

"You should, if you don't want to get hurt," Yoshino yells at her.

"How do you know I'll get hurt?"

"Everyone else has."

"What does that mean?"

"I have friends, y'know?"


There isn't too much conversation after that. Takagi eventually sits down next to Yoshino.

"You really need to loosen up," Takagi says.

"Huh?" Yoshino says.

Takagi laughs. "If you want to be friends with someone, be friends with them." Yoshino goes to speak, but gets cut off. "Y'know, humans have to deal with friends leaving, too. We just have to deal with it more. That's why...we think life is precious. Cause ours end."

Yoshino looks down at the crowd of humans. She never once thought that eternal life was superior. She never thought that human were worse than Yokai. But the way Takagi was talking made it seem like she was almost envious of it.

She shouldn't be.

Takagi gasps a bit when she sees Yoshino's solemn expression. "I'm sorry! I overstepped my boundaries!"

Yoshino sighs. ", you're right."

"I am?"

"Of course you are. I guess I forgot that humans have feelings too..." Yoshino feels bad as she says it. Sure, it made sense when you learned how long she's been alive for. But it still felt like a terrible statement.

Takagi laughs. Yoshino looks over, clearly confused. "So, will you stop being so uptight and just hang out with me?" Takagi smiles, stands up, and stretches out her hand.

Yoshino turns pink and turns her head away. She grips Takagi's hand, who pulls her up. Yoshino smiles at Takagi.

Even though she felt happy, she was dreading when Takagi would inevitably leave.


A/n: even tho this is a strange spot to put the end of the flashback, this is where I'm gonna put it. The next chapter for this one is gonna be present time.

Also sorry it's so short.

Love y'all! Hope y'all are doing well!


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