Gamer-Kozume Kenma(1)

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   You'd been gaming for as long as you could remember. It was your escape from your annoying sibling. It was pretty well known that you were a gamer, or at least you thought it was.

   You were mostly known for games cause you were good at it. Better than most other people, at least.

   But the thing that surprised you was when your older brother and your best friend came up to you with a deal.

   Your brother, Kuroo Tetsurou, has mostly dragged Yaku with him, but he seemed pretty interested too.

   "(Y/n)!" Testurou yelled.

   "Yeah?" You asked.

   Yaku walks over with a boy behind him. You knew him well enough. He and Tetsurou were pretty close. The two of you had talked enough to be friends, but you weren't super close.

   You hadn't realised Kenma had dyed his hair.  But, truth be told, he looked good with it like that. Tetsurou knew you've had a crush on Kenma for a while now, even if it was a little irrational considering you two hadn't talked too much.

   "We came up with a...little game," Yaku said.

   You raise an eyebrow and looked at Kenma, who shrugged. "Shoot," you said.

   "You and Kenma play three rounds of (Fav/game)," Tetsurou said.

   "Whoever loses two rounds has to do the winner a favour," Yaku finished. "It could be whatever the winner wants." You and Kenma stared at them.

   "What the hell?" You asked. This was a weird "game", you had to admit, but it sounded like fun. Though, you didn't know what would happen with the favour that would have to be done. You sighed. "Fine," you said, gaining a stare from Kenma and smirks from Tetsurou and Yaku. "I'm in."

   You all looked at Kenma. He looked at you, and you just shrugged. He eventually gave in.

   In the end, you won. People had started to notice and there was a little bit of a crowd—it was just the volleyball team so you didn't care all that much—because you and Kenma, admittedly, got a little loud.

    "So," Yaku said. You looked at him, a little confused. "What's the favour?"

   Kenma tensed, and you did too. You almost forgot about that. "Um," you said. You knew what you wanted to do, but you didn't want to say it with all the people here. "I have to think."

   You stood up and smiled. "I'll tell you when I come up with it, Kenma." He nodded, and you walked away before anyone could stop you.


   You waited outside during volleyball practice. You had told Tetsurou you wanted to walk with Kenma, and he understood, though he wanted to be there.

   Kenma finally walked out and saw you. He walked over and waved. "Hey," he says.

   "Hey," you said. The two of you started walking. "So, um, I thought of a favour..." Were you really about to ask Kenma out like this?

   Yes. Yes, you were.

   You were red, and you hadn't even said anything yet. "I, uh, was hoping you were free this weekend..."

   Kenma turned red. He knew where this was going. "I—I am," he said.

   "Then...would you," you started. "Would you be okay with going out with me on Saturday?"

   Kenma smiled, though his face was still becoming a deeper red. He nodded. You understood. You honestly didn't know how you had managed to say it without chickening out.

   "A—awesome," you said.

   The two of you exchanged numbers—neither of you knew how you didn't have them, but you didn't—and decided on where to meet. When it was time for you to leave, you waved at him and ran into your house, where you freaked out for approximately ten minutes before Tetsurou got concerned.


A/n: now THIS bitch is short. I apologise for that. I had a little bit of writers block for this one.

That's all I've got to say. Love y'all!


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