Smile-Hinata Shouyou(4)

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(Once again, there are mentions of abuse in this one shot. Please be cautious while reading.)

Once you walked into class, people stared for a moment. You looked at the ground. Noya must've noticed your discomfort, because he rubbed circles on your back with his thumb.

Class continued, but you weren't paying much attention. You were thinking about wether or not to tell the rest of the team.

What Noya had told you really helped you decide, but you still felt as if you were in a cage that you could never escape. Like you were chained down to the pits of Hell because of what he said to you.

In the end, you knew what you should do. You should get help and tell the rest of them.

But you weren't sure if you had the courage.


When it came time to go to practice, you honestly wanted to stay in the locker room until it was over. But you didn't want to concern Noya, and especially Hinata.

You put on the sweats, plain tee, and the jacket and walked to the gym.

Noya and Hinata ran over to you. Suga walked over not long after the other two did.

"Are you okay?" Suga asked. "I heard you had a panic attack earlier."

You nodded. "I—I'm fine now. Uhm..." you said.

"Yeah, (Y/n)~chan?" Hinata asked.

"I—I th—think I'm going to t—tell everyone else," you said.

"Really?" Noya said, a little too loud. You flinched a bit, and he apologised for startling you. "Are you sure your okay with that?"

You nodded. "I think...I think it's about time I got him arrested for what he did," you said.

"That's good to hear," Suga said. "I've been waiting to get you the fuck out of there for a long time now." He smiled at you, and you smiled faintly back.

You asked for help getting all of the guys together, along with Kiyoko and Yachi, though they weren't here yet. While they were getting everyone rounded up, you heard something that made your heart stop.

"Is (Y/n) here?"

Your breath hitched. Hinata, Noya, and Suga looked at you. You had fear in your eyes, and you were clutching your shirt.

"(Y/n)," you dad said, his voice calm with a seething rage hidden behind it. "Where have you been?" You turned around and almost stopped breathing. You knew the look in your dad's eyes. To those not in his direct family, it looked like nothing was wrong. But you saw the rage and hatred in them.

Noya and Suga stepped inbetween you and him, and Hinata walked over to you and hugged you. The rest of the team was clearly confused.

"What do you want with (Y/n)~chan?" Noya asked.

"I'm her dad," he said to them, and those protecting you glares at him. "She ran away the other day and her mom and I were worried, so I came to get her."

"She's not going with you," Hinata said.

"Shouyou..." you said.

Noya and Suga nodded. "She's safe," Suga said. "She's staying with one of her friends."

"Which one? I at least would like to know where she is," he said sweetly.

"I—I'm not telling you," you said quietly.

"What was that?" Your dad said, glaring at you. Suga and Noya blocked his view. Kiyoko walked over and grabbed your hand in hopes to comfort you once she realised what was going on (she and Yachi showed up a bit late and missed his "introduction" of how he was related to you).

"She's not going with you!" Hinata said. You were trying not to have another panic attack, but it was clear you were about to have one. Hinata hugged you a bit tighter.

Your dad growled. "You can't take her away," he said. "I'm her legal guardian."

"We can if we're keeping her out of harms way," Noya said.

"Where's your proof that she was in harms way?" He asked.

"Isn't that fact that she's having a panic attack by you just being here enough proof?" Suga asked. You didn't know if that was sufficient evidence, but you didn't care too much at the moment. You were hoping the teachers would be here and help you get rid of him, but neither Ukai nor Takeda had shown up yet.

Your dad growled. "Goddammit," he said. "You shits will be in trouble soon enough!"

And with that he left. Once he was out of sight, you dropped to your knees, making everyone call out your name in concern.

"Fuck," you said through tears.

"What just happened?" Daichi asked. Hinata turned to tell them what was going on, but you grabbed his hand. He turned around and kneeled next to you and hugged you.

Suga nodded and went to tell them, while Noya sat down next to you in hopes to help calm you down. You buried you face into the crook of Hinata's neck.

"It's okay," Hinata cooed. He kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)~senpai?" Yamaguchi asked. You nodded into Hinata's shoulder.

"Why didn't you let us help you?" Asahi asked.

"I—I didn't want you to hate me because of it," you said.

"We wouldn't hate you because of that," Tsukishima said, his voice rather sweet for his usual angry demeanour.

"I told you, (Y/n)~chan," Hinata said. "We love you, and nothing will change that."

You started to cry happy tears, the nervous ones gone.

"What the hell happened?" You heard Ukai ask.

Daichi told him what happened, and let you all have practice off. You and Hinata went home, and you decided to get some rest.


A/n: we love awkward endings lmao.

Love y'all! Hope you're doing well!


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