Smile-Hinata Shouyou(2)

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(A/n: this chapter has some elements of physical and verbal abuse. If that triggers you, please read with caution. I will put a warning before hand and another note once it's done if you wish to skip it.)

After Ukai patched you up, Hinata said he'd walk you home. You had told him he didn't have to—it was late and you thought he should just go home—but he refused to leave you after the events of earlier. The two of you left with a wave, and you thought he seemed concerned.

"If they ever bother you, come straight to me."

That's what Ukai had told you a while ago as he put a bandage on your cheek Aoki hit. You had told him you would, but you didn't know if that would actually be how it went.

You and Hinata were talking as you walked. You were smiling widely, despite the actions Chizuru and Aoki took earlier. You were just happy to be with Hinata, and you were glad he was okay and didn't get hurt. You'd hate yourself if you let that happen.

Suddenly, a small hand laced its fingers with yours. You didn't notice it at first. You didn't even know if Hinata did it subconsciously or if he really meant to take your hand. Either way, you didn't pull your hand away or say anything to him about it, and neither did he, so your hands stayed laced together.

Once you got to your house, you smiled at Hinata one more time. You were honestly tempted to kiss his cheek as a thank you, but you didn't know if that was too far, so you hugged Hinata tightly once more.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Shouyou," you said. You pulled away, waved, and walked into your house.

(A/n: a little after this point has the elements of abuse I pointed out earlier. Please scroll if this is a trigger for you.)

"(Y/N)?" You mother yelled.

"Yeah?" You called back.

You heard sighs of relief before your parents came and hugged you. "What happened?" Your dad asked when he noticed the bandages.

"It—it's nothing," you said, clearly hoping to avoid the subject.

"It's not nothing," he insisted. "What happened?"

You sighed. "I got in a fight."

You hated to lie to them about this. But you didn't want to talk about it with anyone—in fact you were hoping Hinata wouldn't have saw it earlier.

Your dad slapped you. You didn't move. You didn't dare move.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled. You flinched at his words. "What the hell did you get in a fight for?"

You didn't say anything. You didn't know what to say. You didn't really get in a fight, and you definitely hadn't thought this far in advance.

You're broken from your thoughts by another harsh slap to the face. You tried to hold back the tears in your eyes.

"I take care of you for sixteen years," your dad started, "and this is how you repay me! I give your sorry ass food and let you live under my fucking roof, and you pull shit like this? If you get in one more fight, or your damn grades slip even a little, you'll be out on the streets where you fucking belong."

"I—I didn't mean to start a fight," you said, trying your best not to cry. That usually made it worse.

"What was that?" He asked. "You didn't mean to? How the hell do you accidentally start a fight, dipshit?"

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