Chapter 1

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Liliana was silently reading a book, while her husband was downstairs cooking dinner.

Liliana flinched, at the sound of her phone going off.

She placed her book down beside her and grabbed her phone.

She then answered the phone call.

Liliana- Heyy sis what you doing?

Lily- Heyy....I miss you dork.

Liliana- I miss you too

Lily- Well I was just calling to check up on you.

Liliana- Awwww you're worried about me, that's so cute!

Liliana teased. Lily rolled her eyes.

Lily- Ohhhh shut up.

Liliana giggled a bit.

Derek- Baby!!

He shouted for his wife.

Liliana- Yeah?!

Derek- Dinner's ready!

Liliana- Ok! Be right down!

She gets back to her sister on the phone.

Liliana- Do you wanna come over for dinner?

She asked.

Lily- And pass up the chance to eat? Never, ofcourse I'm coming over.

Liliana laughed, her sister was such a foodie...

Liliana- Ok we'll see you in a few then.

Lily- Yeah see you!

Liliana- Love you too!

She then hung up the phone and placed it back onto the burrow beside the bed.

She got up out of the bed and walked downstairs to her husband.

Liliana- Mmmm that's smells delicious!

She said while sniffing the air. Derek chuckled as he placed both of their plates onto the dinner table.

Liliana- Oh! I invited my sister

Derek froze.

Derek- Oh no Liliana, you know everytime you invite your sister to dinner she eats up all the food.

He said with an irritated sigh.

Liliana gasped.

Liliana- Excuse me? Are you calling my sister a pig?

She asked in a offended tone.

Derek- What? No no no that's not what I meant by that. I'm just saying we don't have enough for her babe

Liliana- Mhm right.....

*Ding, dong!* The doorbell rang aloud.

Liliana- Well... we're gonna have to make it enough!

Liliana shouted as she strolled towards the door.

Derek rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Every time lily comes over she would eat all the food but Liliana doesn't really mind, but on the other Derek doesn't like it one bit.

It got so bad to the point even if Derek hears lily's name he gets irritated.

Oh boy, this was gonna be a long and wild dinner...

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