Chapter 5

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Derek honestly didn't want his wife to feel like she couldn't talk to her family, or friends.

He just felt like their relationship was gonna deteriorate if he didn't do something.

So he planned the movie night with most effort, to make her feel most comfortable.

And when her sister called he just got annoyed....thinking it was one of her sister's late calls again.

I guess you can't think that every phone call is just can be an emergency.

But he had to have her to himself.....he just felt like he was gonna loose her.

So he tried to keep her attention directly on him. Maybe he was a little selfish about it, but can you blame him.

All he wanted was to spend alone time with his wife. He never knew that, that would happen to lily.

He felt terrible just thinking about how she must be doing.

So he decided to contact Liliana's mother and ask for the address of lily's hospital.

He went down there with a bouquet of flowers and a 'get well soon' note.

Now him and his wife's sister didn't really get along well but.....if she ever needed any help he was always there to provide.

Derek admitted he was wrong for letting her ignore that call. And that's what Liliana loved about him....he was never afraid to admit when he was wrong.

He knocked on the hospital room door.

After waiting a few minutes to hear nothing but silence he tried the door handle.

It was open.....

He walked in and closed the door behind him.

He walked towards lily on the bed.

He gasped as he saw her face. Her face was bruised really bad, she was unrecognizable.

She looked like she smashed her face into a glass window, with all types of cuts, slices, and bruises leaving as end result.

She had a broken leg and a fractured jaw.

Derek felt extra bad now.....and she's in a coma.


He set the gift and note down on the table and sat down in the chair next to lily's bed.

He stared at her face.

Derek- I am so sorry lily.....if I had know that you needed help that day. I wouldn't have done what I did. Can you....ever forgive me?

He told her in a whispering tone.

Knowing that she can't hear him he felt even more of a jerk.

Derek tried calling his wife's phone for a while but she didn't answer. Nor would she answer his texts, this would either frustrate him or he would feel really upset with himself.

This was all his fault.....

2 weeks later~

After Derek visited lily in the hospital that day, he vowed to take at least an hour out of his day just to see lily.

And that's what he did. He visited her when he could.

He felt more depressed than ever.

He couldn't focus on work, thinking about his wife.

So he didn't attend work for a while.

Derek was laying down in his bed, looking up at the ceiling while thinking about and regretting his life choices.

What did he ever do to deserve this??

He jumped a little to the sound of his phone ringing aloud.

He grabbed it from his pocket and answered it.

Derek- Hello?

He said, as he placed the phone to his ear.

Daniel- Heyy brother!

Daniel was Derek's best friend. He greeted him with enthusiasm always.

Derek smiled for the first time in weeks.

Derek- Hi Daniel.... how's everything going?

Daniel- Everything's going splendid. As you know my girl's birthday is tomorrow and we are going to a night club to celebrate.

Derek- And let me want me to attend?

Derek said while smirking a bit.

Daniel- Yes!

Derek- Uhm do you remember what happened last time I went with you to a night club?

Derek said, while chuckling.

Daniel laughed, remembering the embarrassing night.

They both continued to laugh.

Derek- Ok I'll think about it.

Daniel- Oh come on! You can bring Liliana too.

He offered. But hearing Liliana's name brought a frown to his face as he remembers what had happened.

Derek- Actually.....she and I are on a break.

Derek told him hesitantly.

Daniel was dumfounded.

Daniel- Wait really?! What happened man?

Daniel always knew Derek and Liliana to be a very healthy couple. They barely had fights, they had trust, they loved each other dearly, and everytime he saw them they were always all up on each other.

Like they couldn't get enough of one another. So it surprised him when he said that they were on a break.

Derek- I really don't want to talk about it.

Derek said while sighing.

Daniel- But you can still come with me ya know. I want you to be there.

Derek- I'll think about it....and let you know ok?

Daniel- Ok

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