Chapter 17

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Derek wole up in the middle of the night, to go on a midnight walk to clear his head.

And get away from Vanessa.

*What do I do?* He asked himself.

He never thought that he would be so reckless, backstabbing, and unfaithful to his wife.

He loved Liliana with all his heart, and would never do anything to hurt her.

How was he gonna tell her that he had an affair with their house sitter? She would probably divorce him right away.

Derek placed his hands into his pocket and looked down at his feet.

He came across a rock on the ground, he stopped, kicked it aside and then continued walking.

What was he gonna do?

Derek felt his phone buzz in his back pocket.

He took it out to see that Liliana was calling him.

*Speak of the devil*, He thought with a grin on his lips.

He answered it.

Derek- Heyy honey, how are you?

Liliana- Derek.....

Her tone was sounded like she had been crying.

Derek felt a sense of dread wash over him. He swallowed hard before answering.

Derek- Yes?

Liliana- What did you do to Vanessa?

Derek was confused. What did she mean?

Derek- What do you mean?

He asked in a genuinely confused tone.

Liliana- Please don't lie to me....Vanessa said that you had hit her.

Derek was speechless....trying to destroy their marriage is one thing but making up lies and trying to get him in trouble was another.

Derek- What? I didn't lay a finger on that woman. She's crazy

Liliana- Derek....the police are already at the house waiting for you.

Liliana said while sniffling.

*What? Their waiting for me?*, Derek thought in panic.

He could feel his heartbeat get faster and faster, his throat started to tighten, he couldn't breathe.

This wasn't happening..... she's trying to get me locked up, and destroy my marriage?!


Liliana- Derek....

She whispered in a shaky breath.

Liliana- Why'd you do it?

She asked.

Derek- I didn't touch her!!

Derek shouted, feeling anger course through his veins.

He didn't know what kind of messed up, sick game she was playing.

Liliana- Why would she lie about that? Huh derek?!

Liliana's tone rises a bit.

Derek collected his thoughts, and answered.

Derek- Because she's sick! That's why!!

??- Ma'am is that your husband? We need to get him into our custody immediately.

A voice spoke from on the other side of Liliana's phone.

Derek figured this was a police officer.

Liliana was here?! She was at home with Vanessa?! Oh no....this is bad.

In that moment Derek felt his whole world turn upside down.

He felt a sudden weight on his chest, he felt his throat tighten again.

Heartache and sadness has taken over his whole entire being.

The phone slipped from Derek's hand, and he fell to his knees.

Everything suddenly went black.....

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