Chapter 15

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Vanessa listened attentively, Liliana sighed softly.

Liliana- Why did you lie?

She asked breaking the defending silence.

Vanessa took a silent deep breath in before answering.

Vanessa- Lie? What do you mean?

She asked in a confused tone. She swallowed hard, did she figure her out?

Liliana- You lied to me....about your identity...why?

Vanessa searched her mind for an excuse. She smirked slightly, as she found the perfect solution.

Vanessa- I don't know what you're talking about.

Liliana blinked.

Liliana- What do you mean? I searched you up on the web. And it looks like you lied about your name, age, and where you live...and much more.

Vanessa swore.

Vanessa- Sh*t, you found me out.

Liliana- Yeah...I did.

Liliana answered in a duhh manner.

Vanessa- Well....I lied for a good reason.

Liliana- Oh yeah? What 'good' reason?

Vanessa- I recently just got out of a abusive relationship.... don't believe me? Look...

She told Liliana, and she looked onto the laptop.

She looked under her info to see that it said Vanessa was once in an abusive relationship.

Liliana- I... didn't know.

Liliana immediately felt bad.

Vanessa- It's okay...I tried to get away from him for a while by changing me name, and telling people lies about where I lived and what I do for a living just so I keep a low profile.

She explained.

Liliana- I sorry.

Vanessa smirked.

Vanessa- It's okay...I get that you were upset I didn't tell you about it.

Liliana- No...I should be saying sorry for invading your privacy. And accused you of lying for no reason.

She apologized.

Vanessa- No really it's okay. I get it...

Liliana- I'll make it up to I swear. How about tomorrow? I can deliver anything you want to the house?

*Jackpot* Vanessa thought.

Vanessa- No I couldn't do that.

She pretended to refuse Liliana's offer.

Vanessa- I just wish I could some more nice clothes or something....

Liliana- Done deal... I'll send my credit card over to you tomorrow

Vanessa- You really don't have to do that.

That smirk still lingering on her lips.

Liliana- No I have to, it's the least I can do for you.

Vanessa- Thank you so much

She kicked up her feet and placed them onto the desk.

Liliana- No problem....good night Kelly. Or....

Liliana giggled awkwardly.

Liliana- Can I call you Vanessa?

She asked.

Vanessa- sure...

Vanessa replied.

She had Liliana wrapped around her finger, she now has the perfect scheme in her delusional mind.

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