Chapter 2

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Derek and Liliana were both having their romantic movie night which they had every Saturday night.

They were cuddling, and eating junk food while watching a scary movie.

Liliana's phone rang aloud, making both their heads snap to the right.

Derek grabbed the remote control and paused the movie.

They have a strict rule that when they have their movie nights, that there will be no distractions.

As in phone calls, family, friends visiting, etc.

Liliana looked back at her husband for approval.

He shaked his head.

Liliana- Please? It's my sister what if she needs something?

She asked in a pleading tone.

Derek sighed in irritation.

Derek- Uhm no....we promised that it will be just us tonight remember?

Derek grasped liana's hands.

Liliana looked down at his and her hands, and then back at her phone.

Lily was still calling...

Liliana sighed.

Liliana- Okay....fine.

She snuggled into her husband's chest and they both continued to watch the horror movie.

The Next Day~

Liliana was cleaning the house, all day long while Derek was at work.

Since, she was off so she decided to clean the house a bit.

After cleaning for a while she sat onto the bed.

She sighed dramatically as she launched herself onto the bed, exhausted.

She suddenly heard her phone ringing. She turned her head towards her phone in her right hand.

She sat up on the bed and answered the call.

Lily was calling...

Liliana- Hey sis...what you doing?

Monique- Liliana you need to get down to the hospital now...

Her mother said in an urgent tone.

Liliana felt herself become worried as she heard her mother's tone.

Liliana- What? Why? Mom what's going on?

She asked in a worried tone.

Monique- Your sister's in the hospital.

Liliana gasped in shock as she heard that.

She felt her heart stop.

Liliana- What?! When?! How?!

Liliana couldn't control her breath, she felt it spead up.

Suddenly she felt an enormous pain in her chest, she grasped her chest.

Monique knew that her child had asthma, so she didn't wanna worry her too much.

But she must've worded it wrong.

Monique- Heyy sweetheart calm down....where is your asthma pump?

Monique asked in worry.

Liliana couldn't respond she just felt her breath speed up and speed up.

Liliana felt herself become light headed.

She fell into the bed, dropping the phone out her hand and onto the floor.

Monique- Sweetheart?! Liliana!? Hello?!

Liliana's vision blurried, the last thing she heard was her mother's screaming voice.

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