Chapter 12

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Vanessa's POV

I looked into the mirror and started my pep talk.

Vanessa- Ok got this!

I shouted soon after applying some mascara to my lashes.

I placed the mascara back into my makeup bag and grabbed a hold onto my phone.

I dialed Liliana's number. I listened for a while to hear it ring twice before she picked up.

Liliana- Heyy

Vanessa- Heyy girl

I faked the most polite voice I ever could do.

Liliana- How is the job going so far? Any problems?

Vanessa- Oh no no no

I said, as I flicked my wrist in a "don't be silly" manner.

She giggled before speaking.

Liliana- Okay just checking up on you, how are you enjoying my husband's company?

Vanessa- Your husband? Oh.... he's an angel.

I almost chocked on my words as I heard the word "husband" fly out of her mouth.

She won't be calling him that for long....I guarantee it.

I heard someone shouting my name.

Liliana- Vanessa?? Vanessa?? You still there??

Vanessa- Huh? Oh yeah....what were you saying?

I asked, as I snapped out my train of thoughts.

Liliana- I was asking you how often was he coming home from work....because I know sometimes he could stay overtime to work and he doesn't have too.

She explained.

I faked a laugh.

Vanessa- Oh...he rarely comes home. And when he does he's an angel to me.

I lied. Derek is always locked up in that stupid room.

He's hiding from me....but don't worry I will have him, whether he likes it or not.

Liliana stayed silent for a moment.

Liliana- Okay...thanks for being honest. Talk to you later.....have a good night.

Vanessa- Yeah you too

She then hung up the phone. I rolled my eyes as I placed my phone back onto the bathroom sink.

I stared into the mirror at my reflection.

Vanessa-  He mine.

Derek's POV

I layed awake in bed. Waiting for Liliana to call or text me at least....

She hasn't contacted me all day. I wonder what's wrong. It's been three days since she's been away from me.

And...I miss her so much. And instead I have be in this house with this witch whose trying to destroy my marriage.

She's crazy....

I snapped my neck to the left as I heard my phone buzz with a notification.

I grabbed it, hoping that it was my wife.

I opened a text to's from Liliana!!

I smiled as I opened the Whatsapp chat.

Liliana- Hey wyd?

Derek- I'm ok👍

Liliana- Okay....

She stopped texting me....did I do something wrong?

Derek- Babe?

Liliana- Yeah?

Derek- Did I do something wrong?

Liliana- What? No! Why would you think that?

Derek- Because of how you're acting....

Liliana- How am I acting?

Derek- You're acting so....casual. I miss you😞

Liliana- Awwww🥰 I miss you too

Derek- When are you coming back?

Liliana- As soon as I'm done with the job okay? And I'll be there soon.....

I sighed in relief.

Vanessa placed her ears up against the door to hear any sudden sound.

But she heard she assumed he was asleep.

Vanessa- You will be mine Derek....

She muttered under he breath before back walking downstairs.

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