Chapter 4

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Derek quirked his eyebrow in confusion. Liliana looked back at him with pure hatred in her eyes.

Derek felt his heart drop, what did he do that was so wrong?

Liliana- If you didn't tell me to ignore her call.....i-i could've heard her voice one last time.

Liliana explained in tears.

Derek got up on his feet and looked down at his wife.

Liliana- It's all your fault....

She said as she looked up at him. She then stood up on her feet.

Liliana- Saturday night.....lily fell into a coma.

Derek felt his heart stop.....what?

Liliana frowned, she saw the frightened look on her husband's face but she didn't care.

Liliana- If I didn't ignore her call I could've probably helped her!

I shouted, anger apperant in my tone.

I felt myself getting slightly breathless.

Derek started to speak.

Derek- I-i didn't know i-i swear I didn't know that she was in an accident....if I did I wouldn't have told not to answer the phone. I just wanted to spend more time with you....I feel like you keep distancing yourself from I thought I could have to myself for once without your family calling or even your friends. Because one phone call you get you move away from me and don't talk to me for like an hour you've been on the phone.

Derek explained in soft, tender tone.

Liliana was livid.

How dare he pin this accident on her?! Oh so now it's her fault lily's in the hospital now?! Oh she was so done.

Liliana- I am so done! Now this is all my fault now? You were the one who told me not to answer my phone!

She screamed.

Derek's eyes widened a bit, he never saw his wife like this before.

Derek- No... that's not what I meant. I meant that I felt like we were getting distant so I tried to get you back by my side. I didn't know that was gonna could I?

Liliana- I could've just listened to my gut and picked up the phone and answered it just to say 'hello' or 'hi' but no.....who did I decide to listen to? You!! I can't believe I didn't trust my gut.

Liliana scoffed.

Derek- Look I'm sorry ok?

But Liliana wasn't hearing his excuses anymore.

Liliana- No no no, I need...we need to take a break. A long one....

She sighed sadly. But she felt like this was for the best.

Derek felt his whole world fall apart.

Derek- Are you serious? Your joking right?

He asked her in disbelief.

Liliana- No I'm serious....deadly.

Liliana gave a stern look for a moment, and then her gaze soften.

Liliana- I just need some time to myself ok? This is not a break up....I just need some time to breath.

She was inhaling and exhaling softly as she felt her lungs tighten slightly.

Derek- No Liliana please don't do this

He begged, as he stepped towards her.

Liliana- Don't....

She said as she steeped back from her husband.

Liliana- Please.... don't.

Derek froze, he didn't know what else to do. His wife was leaving him, his whole world was falling apart.

He felt like he was about to collapse to the floor at any moment.

Liliana- I'm gonna stay at my sister's house....for the remainder of our break ok?

Derek looked down at the floor, disappointed in himself.

This hurt Liliana to do this but she felt like she had to get away from everyone and everything in order to breath.

She was under souch stress, and if she didn't slow down she knew she was gonna collapse.

With her asthmatic self....she knew herself to well.

Liliana- I'm gonna go pack some things....

Derek nodded. He then looked up at his wife.

Derek- Baby....I'm sorry. I know I let you down and I will try to do better in the future. That is if you let me....

He said, in a sincere tone.

Liliana almost felt herself smile.

She nodded with a weak smile.

She then walked out of the room and started packing some clothes.

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