Chapter 8

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Derek was a little panicked hearing his wife's voice over the phone.

Liliana- Where are you?

She asked in an urgent tone.

Derek thought for a moment before answering.

Derek- I uh I slept at Daniel's place last night

He lied.

Liliana- Oh ok, that's why you weren't home. I tried calling you, but you weren't answering your phone.

She explained.

Derek- That's because I was sleeping, I'm on my way home now.

He said. He heard his wife sigh in relief on the other end.

Liliana- Ok drive home safely.

Derek- Yeah

Liliana- And Derek....when you get home......we need to talk.

She added.

Derek hummed in response.

He hung up the phone and sighed in huge relief. She doesn't suspect a thing, so Derek decided to call Daniel and tell him everything about what happened last night.

Daniel was stunned and heart broken that it took place on his watch, he felt partly responsible.

Daniel- Derek how could you do this? Now Liliana will be heart broken when she finds out.

Derek- That's why she's not going too

Daniel- Huh? You're not gonna tell her?

Daniel asked her quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

Derek- Nope!

He said as a he shaked his head.

Daniel was silent for a minute or two on the other line.

Daniel- So what are we gonna do?

Derek- We....are not doing anything. You're not gonna say anything...I'm not gonna say anything because last night was a mistake and an accident. And it'll never happen again.

He explained, Determination apparent in his tone.

Daniel- Ok I won't tell if you won't.

Derek- Thanks

Daniel- Ofcourse dude...I would hate to see you two split up for good.

Daniel sighed sadly.

Derek- Oh and Daniel....if she asks you who's house I stayed at last night tell her it was yours.

Daniel- What? But I don't wanna lie to her

Derek- You think I feel good by lying to her?

Daniel- Maybe.....

Derek sucked his teeth.

Derek- Ofcourse not.....I hate lying and I hate when people lie to me. But in order to protect our marriage if I have to lie I will.

Daniel sighed for the second time.

Daniel- Alright....

He agreed reluctantly.

Derek- Ok I'll talk to you later ok?

Daniel- Yeah...yeah

Derek ends the call.

20 minutes later~

Derek arrives at the house, he steps out of the car and heads towards the house.

He knocks on the door and patiently wait for his wife to open it.

A few minutes go by and Liliana opens the door, she gave her a husband a little smile.

Liliana- I missed you.....

She leaned in and hugged him tightly.

Derek doesn't know what to do at this point.

He hesitantly hugs his wife back, feeling all the guilt pile up, making a knot in his stomach.

Derek- I missed you too......

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