Chapter 11

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Derek- V-vanessa?

He stuttered in shock.

Vanessa- Heyy there pretty boy~

Derek- W-what are you doing here?

He asked in disbelief.

Vanessa smirked.

Vanessa- I'm here to house sit....what else?

Derek- B-but....Vanessa

Derek looked upstairs to see if his wife was any where to be seen.

He stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Derek- What are you really doing here?

He asked in an angry hushed tone.

Vanessa- Is that anyway to greet your girlfriend?

She said in a seductive tone, as she ran her hand down his chest.

Derek removed her hand.

Derek- You're not my girlfriend and need I may remind you that I'm married

Vanessa- You weren't saying that when he slept with each other.

Derek- I was saying that but you weren't listening to me.

He argued.

Vanessa- Fine....maybe I wasn't listening but you told me that you're wife didn't make you feel good

Derek- Yes but....

Vanessa- But nothing.

Vanessa forced herself onto Derek and kissed his lips forcefully.

Derek grabbed a hold of her waist and shoved her off of him.

Derek- What the hell do you think you're doing?!

He yelled in anger.

Vanessa- You're mine Derek....and I'm not gonna stop until I have you.

She said in a spine chilling voice. Derek felt chills run down his spine.

Derek- Wait....are you gonna try and ruin my marriage?

Vanessa- Well what else?

She said in a "Duh" manner.

Liliana- Derek?

Derek heard Liliana calling for him and he looked at Vanessa.

Derek- You better keep your mouth got me?

Vanessa- Yes daddy~

Derek- Don't...ever call me that again.

Vanessa- Whatever

Derek opened the door and Vanessa walked in behind him.

Liliana- Oh babe! I was looking for you and I see you found Kelly

Liliana said with a friendly smile.

Derek- Kelly?

Derek asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vanessa- Yeah....Kelly Williams.

She introduced herself, she then turned to Derek and shook his hand.

Derek- Nice to meet you....Kelly

Vanessa- Nice to meet you too

Liliana- Ok! Now that we're all acquainted, my flight will be leaving in an hour so I need to get going like now.

Liliana walked over to her husband and kissed him passionately.

Vanessa watched them with jealously.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance to the couple.

Liliana broke the kiss.

Liliana- Okay baby I'll call you when I get to the airport ok?

She told him as she backed up from him a bit.

Derek- Ok don't forget now

Liliana- I won't

She turned to Vanessa and she faked the biggest smile she possibly could.

Vanessa- Thank you for hiring me and  have a safe trip.

She said as she gave Liliana a big hug.

Liliana- I will thank you....

Vanessa broke the hug.

Liliana- I should get going now...bye!

She waved to both her husband and Vanessa.

When she finally left Vanessa sighed in huge relief.

Vanessa- Ugh finally the whore is finally gone. I couldn't keep up the nice act any longer.

Derek- First of all.... don't call my wife a whore you're more of a whore. Dancing on married men at a night club.

Vanessa gasped.

Vanessa- Derek ahhh you wounded me....

She said, as she held her chest. Pretending as if she was in severe pain.

Vanessa- I'm not a whore it's just....

She paused, she then walked towards him.

She placed her hands on his chest.

Vanessa- When I see someone I like.....I just have to have them.

Derek- Yeah definitely a whore

He said while glaring down at her.

Vanessa- I'm not a whore....but I can be....for you.

She giggled.

Vanessa pushed Derek onto the couch. She then got on top of him.

Vanessa- Oh Derek....I want you so badly.

She tried to kiss him but Derek pushed her off of him.

She fell back onto the floor. Derek got up from the couch.

Derek- I'm not doing this with you

He ran upstairs and locked himself inside him and Liliana's room.

While Vanessa was still laying on the floor.

Vanessa- He's playing hard to get again. It's okay I like a good challenge.

She laughed.

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