Chapter 10

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Liliana walked downstairs with a huge smile on her face to tell her husband the great news.

Liliana- Babe!

Derek- Yes?

Derek was in the kitchen cooking dinner as usual.

Liliana- I just got the news from my boss that we will have to fly to New York first thing tomorrow morning!

She said excitedly as she walked towards him.

Derek- We?

Derek asked in confusion, as he turned around towards her.

Liliana's smile dropped.

Liliana- Wait... you're not coming?

Derek- No honey....even if I wanted to I couldn't come I have to take care of my customers at the book store.

He explained.

Liliana- Oh right...I forgot.

She sighed sadly.

Derek placed the bottle of lemonade down and then walked towards his wife.

Derek grasped his wife's shoulders before speaking.

Derek- go to New York. And have fun.... I'll be fine.

Liliana looked up at him with a small smile.

Liliana- Are you sure?

Derek- Positive....please don't let this huge and great opportunity go because of me. I'll be fine...I promise.

He told her in a calm but soothing tone.

She hugged her husband tightly as she giggled in relief.

Liliana- Are you really sure?

Derek- Liliana....just go okay?

Liliana broke the hug.

Liliana- Okay thank you....I love you so much.

She pecked his lips. She then ran up the stairs to go and pack her bags for her trip to new york tomorrow morning.

Derek- Just make sure you call me or text me when you arrive in New York tomorrow!!

Derek shouted to his wife from downstairs.

Liliana- I'll call the minute I arrive!

Liliana shouted back.

Derek went back into the kitchen to cook with a huge smile on his face.

The next morning~

Liliana got up early for her flight that took off at 10:00 AM. She woke up, took a shower, brushed her teeth, did her hair, did her makeup, and ate breakfast.

She did all of this while Derek was still asleep.

A couple minutes later~

Derek woke up and sat up on the bed. He smiled softly at his wife, as she was fixing her hair while looking in the mirror.

As soon as she noticed him staring at her, she smiled.

Liliana- Good morning honey

Derek- Good morning sweetheart

He said in a tender tone.

He got up from out of the bed and walked towards Liliana, wrapping his arms around her petite waist, he pulled her back to his chest.

Derek sniffed her and took in her cherry scented perfume.

Derek- You smell amazing babe~

Liliana giggled.

Liliana- Thanks baby

She replied.

Liliana- Oh I forgot to tell you....I hired a house sitter to take care of the house when you're at work.

Derek chuckled.

Derek- Great idea honey, why didn't I think of that?

Liliana giggled.

She grabbed her pink blush and started applying some to her cheekbones.

*Ding dong!*, the door bell sounded.

Liliana- Oh! That must be her, can you get the door for me honey?

She asked while blending the pink blush on her cheeks.

Derek nodded.

He walked downstairs to answer the door.

He then opened the front door and froze in shock as he saw who was at the door.

Derek- V-vanessa?

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