Chapter 9

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Liliana twisted and turned in bed all night, as her sister being in a coma haunted her nightmares.

Liliana has had the same occuring dream, since her sister went into a coma weeks ago.

It starts off with her sister telling her to follow along behind her.

And then, it switches and their at the edge of a clif where lily tells Liliana that she's hurt that she didn't pick up the phone.

She turned her back on her when she needed her the most....

And finally it ends by lily pushing her sister off the edge.

Liliana wakes up screaming, and in a cold sweat.

Beams of sweat beam down her forehead and she started breathing heavily.

She turned to her husband beside her and shaked him awake.

Liliana- Hey Derek...

Liliana whispered, as she shaked Derek.

Derek- Mmm?

Liliana- I'm scared

She whispered in a shaky tone. When Derek heard his wife's tone she shot up and looked at her with concerning eyes.

Derek- Baby....are you ok?

Liliana's eyes filled with tears.

Liliana- I miss my sister

She said, she broke down the minute she said those words.

Derek pulled his wife into a warm hug.

The night of his affair flashed in his mind and he felt his heart drop.

She's already broken about her sister being in the hospital, and now he had an affair with some random chick at a night club.


*I am such a jackass*, Derek thought.

He sighed.

Derek- It's ok sweetheart.... she's gonna be fine....I promise.

Liliana broke the hug.

Liliana- How are you so sure?

She sniffed.

Derek- Because I know it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine.... don't worry your pretty head about it ok?

He reassured her.

She felt a little bit better and smiled weakly.

Liliana- I'm so glad I have you....

She kissed his lips softly, before pulling him in for a hug.

Liliana- I love you

Derek- I love you too

They hugged for a while in silence before Derek broke the hug.

Derek- Do you wanna cuddle?

Liliana- Please....

Liliana layed onto Derek's chest, feeling a little more relaxed and safer than before.

The next day~

Liliana woke up to her phone buzzing out loud.

She opened her eyes and looked at her phone next to her.

She grabbed her phone to see that there was someone calling her.

She answered it.

Liliana- Hello?

She answered in a groggy tone.

Liliana- Really?!

She shot up immediately.

Liliana- No way!! Ofcourse.....yes sir!

She shouted, she was ecstatic. She just got a new premonition!!

Liliana- Yes sir!! Yes....mhm. ok! Thank you so much!! Bye bye.

She said, she placed her phone down and went to wake her husband to tell him the good news.

Liliana- Derek!! Derek!!

She shouted as she shaked him violently.

Derek- Mm?

Liliana- I got the promotion!!

She sat on top of him and started jumping up in down like a little child.

Derek-  That's great babe!!

He sat up and hugged his wife tightly, congradulating her by placing sweet kisses on her neck.

Liliana- S-stop that tickles

She giggled.

Derek slowed down a bit.

Liliana moaned softly as Derek found her sweet spot.

He layed her down gently onto the bed.

Derek kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

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