Chapter 3

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Liliana opened her eyes slowly and adjusted her vision. She looked up at the ceiling, it dinged in her head that, that was not her bedroom's ceiling.

She looked around the room in confusion, as to where she was.

Her eyes landed on Derek laying on a chair asleep.

She smiled to herself.

She sat up on the bed, realizing this is a hospital room she calmed down.

Derek must've found her on the bed past out some time later and brought her here just in time.

Derek groaned softly, as he opened his eyes. He sat up on the chair and rubbed his tired eyes, trying to adjust his vision.

He looked up to see his wife sitting up on the hospital bed.

He gasped.

Derek- Oh thank goodness! You're alright!

He exclaimed, as he rushed towards her.

He pulled his wife into a tight hug.

Liliana giggled, as she hugged him back.

Liliana- Yeah I'm alright, and it's all thanks to you.

She said as she broke the hug.

Derek smiled.

Then expression dropped.

Derek- I thought I was gonna loose you, why didn't you call me?

His voice tremebled a bit.

Liliana frowned.

Liliana- I couldn't breath, my mom called me to tell me that lily was in the hospital.

Derek mirrored Liliana's expression.

Derek- I'm so sorry sweetheart...

He whispered as he caressed her cheek.

Liliana- It's ok, it's not your fault

Or is it?

1 hour later~

Liliana was discharged from the hospital as there was nothing physically wrong with her.

Derek was happy that he got liliana to the hospital in time.

Derek opened the door and walked inside the house with Liliana following behind him.

Derek decided he didn't want Liliana to stress over a thing so he cooked some food for her while she rested a bit.

As Liliana was about to close her eyes and drift off to sleep she heard her phone ring.

Grabbing it, she answered it and placed it to her ears.

Liliana- Hello?

She answered.

Monique- Hi darling how are you feeling?

Liliana smiled, hearing her mother's voice over the phone.

Liliana- Good mom.....

Monique sighed.

Monique- So....lily is in a coma.

Liliana felt her heart drop once again.

liliana- Don't worry mom I'm gonna start praying for her ok?

Monique- Thank you sweetheart. By the way can I ask you something?

Monique added.

Liliana- Sure.....

She replied.

Monique- Where were you on Saturday night?

Monique asked.

Liliana looked up at the ceiling, trying to think back.

Then she remembers that it was her and Derek's date night.

Liliana- I was at home, it was me and Derek's date night....why?

She asked 'why?' In a bit of a shaky tone.

Monique- Because lily told me she called your phone over and over Saturday night before the accident but you wouldn't answer.

Liliana felt her stomach drop. Saturday night was the last time she was lily call.....and she didn't even pick up the phone.

What kind of sister was she?

And then she remembered that Derek told her to ignore the call.

If she had listen to her gut and not her ignorant husband maybe she could've talked to her sister one last time before her accident.

she gasped, she felt tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her mouth felt numb, she couldn't bring herself to speak to her mother anymore.

She phone slid out of her grasp and she dropped onto her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.

This was all Derek's fault. If he hadn't talked her into not answering the phone, she could've heard her sister's voice before she slipped into that damn coma.

She ignored her call....what if it was important??

What if she was calling to ask her for help and she didn't bother answering!!

Liliana started belittling herself for the accident.

Once Derek heard his wife's cries from downstairs, he rushed up there immediately.

He saw her crying on the floor.

He rushed to her side and hugged her waist gently, as he asked her in a tender tone what wrong.

She shoved him away and he looked at her with a confused expression.

Liliana- This is all your fault!!

She shouted. Derek just looked back at her while he sat there in confusion.

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