Chapter 13

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Liliana's POV

My hand was itching to search her name up on the web.

Kelly Williams.....

I just got the word that she was a house sitter on Facebook. But I didn't search her name or anything.

Pretty dumb move....I know. But she was polite, she looked like she knew what she was doing and saying when I hired her.

But something about her just.... isn't resting right in my spirit.

There's something about her that's just....I don't know. It's been bothering me since I took a plane to London.

I grab my computer's mouse and searched her name up on Google.

A lot of random people popped up. But I didn't see her...that was quite strange.

I searched and searched but I couldn't find her face under the name....Kelly Williams.

*Come on Liliana think*, I thought to myself as I stared up at the ceiling.


I sat in front of Kelly. She took her forms out and handed them to me. I went through her files and everything.

With a smile I shook her hand, welcoming her to her new job.

Liliana- Welcome Kelly....

Vanessa- Thank you and I'm happy to be here.

Liliana- So when do you wanna get started?

Vanessa- Uhm now

Liliana- Okay...I love you already girl.

I joked, she laughed.

Liliana- So? Shall we go?

She nodded.

Liliana- So right this way please

I said, gesturing her to the hall way.

She walked in front of me and headed down the hall way.

I followed behind her.

As she walked past me I caught a glimpse of her purse.

It was a small, black leather purse. Surprisingly I didn't know what brand it was from.

But that's not the weird part. The bag read.... "Vanessa Haeward"

I quirked an eyebrow in confusion as my eyes fixated more on the little purse she clutched.


I brushed it off. Besides I was over thinking....maybe that was her sister's bag...or maybe a friend's.....right?

(End of flashback)

I remember now!

I clicked the name "vannessa haeward" into google.

And her face popped up right away. I gasped as I saw her name, age, her apartment complex, and everything about her in detail.

I smirked a little. This is exactly why Google is my best friend.

I started reading her information. And found out she lied about her name, age, and much more.

But why would she do that?

All sorts of questions rang through my head, the more I asked myself why....the more I become even more confused.

What was Kelly's reason for all of this? Or should I say....Vanessa.

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