Chapter 16

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Vanessa just got out of the shower, she grabbed her clothes from the drawer and put them on.

Her hair was left soaken wet....for now.

She couldn't wait to put her plan into action.

She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, she placed it on her bed and waited until she felt like the time was right.

Soon....she heard Derek's bedroom door squeak open, followed by  distant footsteps.

She gasped internally. It's time.....

She got up and walked out of her room and headed downstairs.

She heard pots and pans being clinged together.

*He must be cooking*, Vanessa thought to herself.

She walked into the kitchen slowly, trying to alarm him that she was there.

But her plan to be sneaky failed, Derek spun around immediately.

He gave her a death glare.

Derek- What do you want?

He asked in annoyed tone.

Vanessa- I was hungry....and I heard the pots and pans soooo i came down to see what you were cooking.

She explained, with a fake smile.

Derek didn't buy that not for a second. She was just there to be a pest again.

Derek- Well I'm not cooking anything for you.

He said, while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Vanessa- Huh? Why not? Do you have to be so rude?

Derek- Ohhhh let me know exactly why I'm being rude to you. So stop acting like you're so innocent

His tone rising a bit.

Derek stared at her with pure hatred in his eyes.

Vanessa- Well...I'm laying low for a while. Can we try to get along at least?

Vanessa gave him the most biggest smile she can muster.

Derek- Uhm let me think about that!

He shouted.

Vanessa- Oh honey...why?

Her tone got lower with each word. She slowly started walking towards Derek.

He grabbed the knife off of the kitchen table and pointed it at her.

Derek- If you come any closer I will stab you

He threatened, his tone stern.

Vanessa smiled.

Vanessa- And if you stabbed me.... don't you think Liliana will be angry with you?

Derek stared at her, without taking his eyes off of her he placed the knife back onto the table.

Vanessa- Good boy.....

She whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

She walked closer and closer, until there was no more space between them.

She grabbed his hands and planted them onto her waist. She then wrapped her hand around his neck, pulling him closer.

Vanessa- Kiss me....

Derek- Why would I do that?

Vanessa- Just do it...or you are gonna regret it.

She threatened.

Derek pushed her away and walked away from her.

Vanessa was left in the kitchen by herself, she was fumming.

*Oh just you wait are so gonna regret this*, she thought.

She was determined to make him pay.

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