Chapter 18

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Derek woke up in the hospital, he opened his eyes and looked down at both of his hands to see that they were hand cuffed to the hospital bed.

What the?

Derek headed shooted up when he heard the door creak open and in a walked Liliana, with three policemen behind her.

Derek stared at all of them in shock. How could Liliana let them take him? He was innocent....and how did they find him?

Liliana walked towards the him, she then spoke.

Liliana- I just have one question.....

She stared narrowed eyed at her husband.

Derek gulped.

Derek- Yes?

Beeds of sweat formed on his forehead.

Liliana- Why'd you do it?

She asked.

Derek- Do what?

He questioned.

Liliana- Why'd you hit Vanessa?!

She shouted in anger.

Derek- I didn't do it!

He yelled.

Liliana facepalms, while exhaling a huge breath.

Derek- I swear.....I didn't touch that woman! She's a psycho and ever since you left the house she's been trying to get closer to me.

He explained.

Liliana- Ohhhh so what you're saying is....she was trying to seduce you while I was gone?

Derek- Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying.

Liliana- And why would she do that?

Derek- I don't know....

He lied. He didn't want Liliana to know the truth about what he and Vanessa did.

Liliana- You have to know why....since you're accusing her of trying to seduce you

Liana's anger was boiling over, she want pounce on him and give a tight slap across his face, but she humbled herself.

Derek- No...I have no idea.

One of the officers in the room stepped forward towards Liliana.

Officer- Sir I'm afraid you're under arrest for abuse and tempted murder of Ms. Vanessa.

Derek started panicking.

Derek- But I didn't do anything!

He shouted.

Officer- Sir I won't repeat myself....

The police officer walked towards Derek and uncuffed his hands from the bed, telling him to stand up.

Derek did as he was told, all the whole liana watched her husband being put in handcuffs like a criminal.

Officer- You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be used against you in the Court of law.

After saying that he started pushing Derek out of the room towards the door.

Derek looked back at his wife, whom looked at him with despair and sorrow in her eyes.

Derek- But I didn't do it! Tell them Liliana!

He called out to her, but she turned her back on him. Derek felt betrayed, and felt a sudden boost of anger.

He was then placed into the back seat of a police van.

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