Chapter 7

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Derek's POV

Gosh.....this girl is sooooo ahhhh I can't even think straight right now. She turns around away from me and start swaying her hips against me.

And let me say she was thick in all the right places.....wait what?! No Derek you gotta focus.

I shaked my head back and fourth in an attempt to resist her temptations. But it wasn't working!!

When she finally stopped dancing on me, and sighed a huge breath that I was holding for the longest.

Now I'm gonna just leave.

Derek- Uhm ok I'm gonna go

Vanessa- What? No don't go!! We just got started here.

She whined.

I sighed in frustration, internally.

Derek- Well I have a get home too.

That was totally lie, but anything to get away from her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards her.

Vanessa- Well....your wife can wait

Derek- Excuse me?

I asked, in an offended tone.

If I was actually going home to Liliana this girl would've caused a huge fight between us.

Vanessa- No offense.....I have you now, she'll have to wait. Besides.....

She pauses and runs a hand up my chest.

Vanessa- I'm gonna make you feel so good~

She whispered. She looked at me with a seductively look.

I froze, I didn't even know what to say.

I guess she took my silence as a 'yes' because she grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards a private room to the back of the club.

I started panicking.

I started scanning the dance floor for Daniel, I spotted him. He was busy making out with his girlfriend.....well I figured.

I rolled my eyes in annyonace at the two making out in the middle of the dance floor like no one's watching.

She pulled me into a room, locked the door, and then she pushed me onto the bed.

She got onto of me.

Vanessa- Be honest when was the last time you and you're wife did it?

Being me I always am gonna be honest. I hated lying to people.

But if it means I have to get away from someone, or it's an emergency I will lie.

Derek- Not for a while....

I groaned out, as she pressed her body onto mines.

Vanessa- Well I bet I can make you feel more pleasure then she does

She bit her bottom lip.

Derek- Wait....

I breathed out, as she started stripping off her clothes.

Vanessa- Shhhh let me make you feel good.

She whispered as she placed a finger over my lips, silencing me.

3 hours later~

I woke up in a random room, I looked next to me to see Vanessa facing me.

Wait....omg. I remembered everything from last night! We....i-i had an affair. am I gonna tell Liliana. I got up out of the bed slowly, trying not to wake Vanessa.

I grabbed my clothes from the floor, and got dressed as quietly as I can.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my belongings and hurried out of the house.

Wait....I thought I was at a night club? Who cares?? I just need to get out of here.

I ran outside as far as the road and looked around. I spotted my car over on the other side, I quickly rushed towards my car, took out my keys and unlocked it.

Jumping inside my car, I placed all of my things in the passenger seat.

I started the engine and drove away as fast as I can away from that house.

10 minutes later~

I'm still driving, as I desperately needed to get home and take a long shower.

I can still smell Vanessa's perfume on my shirt.

I suddenly heard my phone ringing in my back pocket.

Derek- Alexa!

I called.

Alexa- Yes Derek?

Derek- Connect my phone speaker to the car please

Alexa- Connecting speaker....

I answered the call.

Derek- Hello?

Liliana- Derek? Where are you?

Liliana asked in a concerned tone.

Derek- Liliana?

Why was she suddenly calling and asking where I was??

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