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Brie's pov

I can't believe I am finally here.

I was finally here in Nebraska at college.

No parents, no so called friends.

I get to start over where no one knows me.

It is pretty scary though.

I have never been very social.

I was one of those girls that just blend in.

That no one would notice if I just went away.

I was just plain.

I have never had a boyfriend.

Guys didn't notice me.

I didn't really think I was even pretty.

I was just a full figured no body.

Maybe coming here will finally give me some confidence.

I want to be kissed.

I have always lived in a small farm town.

I knew everyone.

Maybe that's why I have always felt so alone.

Now that I am in a big city I have endless possibilities.

I walked around campus so I could know where I was going when classes started.

I had a small apartment off campus so I thought since I was all moved in I would come check things out.

I was looking down at the map not paying attention to where I was going when I walked into something.

I looked up to see the sexiest guy I have ever seen.

"I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Oh no problem. It's not every day I have a beautiful girl running in to me."

I blushed at what he said.

No one has ever said I was beautiful before.

"Well I guess I should let you get back to what you were doing."

"I am done for the day. Are you new here?"

"Yes I just moved to Nebraska."

"Oh you should let me show you this great café around the corner."

Was he asking me out?

I didn't want to say no because I may never get this chance again.

"Okay sounds good."

We walked and talked like we had known each other for years.

I felt so comfortable with him.

We got a table and ordered some coffee.

We talked about our families, and what we did for fun.

I didn't tell him I was a freshman because I knew he was a little older than me.

I really thought he could be the one to give me my first kiss.

I just need to play this cool.

Reese's pov

I couldn't believe my luck running into such a beautiful woman as Brie.

I wonder what she was teaching.

Was this her first year being a teacher like mine?

"So what class do you teach at the university?"

She looked at me weird than laughed.

"I'm not a teacher I am a student a freshman so this is my first year here."

I nearly chocked on my coffee.

She was a student which means she is off limits.

Man just my luck.

I meet a girl that makes my heart race, and she is a student.

This was my first year at the University of Nebraska being a teacher.

I can't screw it up no matter how much I like this girl.

"So what grade are you in?"

She looked at me and smiled her killer smile.

"I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No just this was a mistake. It was nice meeting you."

I dropped money on the table and left.

I know it was a dick move, but I needed to get out of there.

I had to get away from her before I did something stupid.

This was a big campus I doubt I'd ever see her again any way.

Tomorrow classes would start, and I would forget all about her.

I had to stay away from this college girls.

I went and got my car then headed home.

I needed distance from the campus just in case Brie came looking for me.

I pulled up then headed up to my apartment.

I picked this place because it was close to the campus.

That way if I wanted to I could walk.

Now I'm thinking it might not be such a good idea.

A lot of college students live in this complex.

I wanted to be seen as a teacher, and not a buddy.

I know I looked young.

Hell half the other teachers gave me dirty looks when they met me.

I had to stay away from Brie if I ever wanted to be taken seriously here.

I just wish I could stop thinking about her.


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