Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Brie's pov

I thought I would have heard from Reese by now.

I knew he had the interview this morning, but he hasn't text me or even called.

Did he change his mind?

I felt a lot of my insecurities start to rise up again.

I wasn't going to set at home crying over him again.

I called up a few friends and seen if they wanted to go out.

Everyone seemed to have other plans tonight.

I was about to just get dressed up and go out by myself.

My phone rang so I hurried to answer it hoping it was one of my friends wanting to go out.


"Hey Brie I am so sorry I haven't called you all day. It's been one hell of a day. Could I come by bring some pizza and a movie?"

He sounded so down.

Maybe he didn't get the job.

Part of me was still worried, but I couldn't say no.

"Sure, sounds good I will see you soon."

It didn't take long before there was a knock on my door.

He had his hands full, so I grabbed what I could and let him in.

He put everything down then grabbed me and kissed me.

I guess he wasn't having second thoughts after all.

"So how did the job interview go?"

"I got the job. That was the good part of today. I was getting ready to call you when my buddy called me and told me there was a problem with the club we co-own. Sadly, it was a total loss."

"Oh no I'm so sorry."

"Thankfully we had it insured so we got our money back, and Micah is going to put all his focus into his restaurant."

"Well it sounds like you've had a pretty bad day."

"Yes, but now I'm here so it's much better now."

I got plates and cups and got our food.

We sat down and started the movie while we ate.

Once we were done eating I cuddled up to Reese.

"I missed you so much." Reese said.

"I was worried when you didn't call."

He looked at me and pulled me into him more.

"I know I have hurt you in the past, and I am so sorry for that. I know I need to earn your trust again. I want this with you."

"Okay and yes I guess it's going to take time to get over the past hurt."

"Well your worth waiting for so take all the time you need."

He kissed me, and we went back to watching the movie.

I wanted to be with him, but letting go of the hurt he once caused is going to take time.

I just hope it doesn't destroy what we have now.

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