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Reese's pov

Brie and I have been together six months now and it has been great.

She has let go of the past and has fully started to trust me.

We have moved in together a month ago.

I love having her wake up in my arms.

My friends all love her as well as my students.

She has come to the school to help a few times and everyone always asks when she will be back.

It took some time, but I have even won over her friends.

Tonight, I am throwing her a surprise party where I plan on asking her to marry me.

I knew she was my forever and I didn't want to wait any longer to start our future.

I was a nervous wreck at the party.

Brie was shocked to see everyone there, but she seems happy.

She kept asking me what was wrong.

It was now or never.

I took her a side and got down on one knee.

She looked down at me saw the ring and dropped to her knees.

She was crying so hard she could barely talk.

I asked her if that was a yes and she shook her head yes.

I put the ring on her and pulled her up and into my arms.

I couldn't wait to make this beautiful, strong, smart, and sweet woman my wife.

I wanted a family and a forever with Brie

Brie's pov

I couldn't believe Reese asked me to marry him.

I know a lot of people would say it's to soon but it's not.

We have gone through a lot just to get to this point.

We are meant to be together.

I am glad I know where he is at in our relationship and where he sees this going.

Because I have a little surprise of my own.

I haven't been feeling well so I went to the doctor today and found out I am five months pregnant.

I was nervous about telling him until now.

We were going to be a family.

I can't wait to tell him he was going to be a dad.

I didn't want to do it here with everyone around.

This was just about us and I wanted to keep it just between us for now.

I told Reese I was exhausted so we could leave.

I hugged all my friends and thanked them for coming.

Reese kept looking at me like he was trying to figure me out.

Did he not think I was happy?

I didn't mean to make him worry.

He was being so quiet.

We got home, and I went into the bedroom where I had the ultrasound picture hidden.

I walked out holding it up.

He looked at me and came closer to see what I was holding.

He looked up into my smiling face and just hugged me.

He wasn't saying anything, and it was scaring me.

Then he broke down.

Reese has never been one to show to many emotions so seeing him like this made me realize just how happy he was.

Soon we would be married and be parents.

We were a family.

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