Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Brie's pov

It was nice being here talking to him.

It seemed like his life wasn't as good as he pretended it to be.

He seemed unhappy.

He should get back to teaching.

That was what he loved.

I felt bad that he gave it all up for me.

He said that he didn't, but I knew that he did.

"Would you ever consider teaching again?" I asked.

"I don't know after what I did to you I don't think I should be a doctor."

"Wait what exactly did you do to me?"

"I slept with my student."

"Hey, we met before I knew you were my professor, and you didn't force me into anything. I wanted to be with you."

"I guess I never looked at it that way."

"Stop blaming yourself for all this. What we had was real. Stop making it sound so bad."

Did he really think he was some predator?

"I guess all this time I just felt as if I did something wrong."

"Did being with me feel wrong?"

"NO, it was the only thing in my life that did feel right."

Hearing him talk made me wonder if we gave up to soon.

Could we give this another chance?

Nothing was in our way this time.

We could actually be together this time.

I wondered if he would want to try again.

Could we make it work?

"Why did we let everything get in the way of us?"

"Honestly that was a mistake one I wish I could take back."

"What if you could?"

"What give us another try?"

"Yes, I mean take it slow and see where it goes. We both have been hurt and given up a lot. I just know that being here with you right now feels right."

I didn't know if this was right, but it was what I wanted.

"I would like that."

I gave him my number and he gave me his.

He paid for our meal and gave me a ride home.

I text me friends letting them know I was home.

For the first time in a long time I felt complete.

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