Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Brie's pov

I had to leave school.

I couldn't be there anymore.

Everywhere I went reminded me of Reese.

I was hurt and broken.

How could he do this to me?

Was I just a piece of a$$ to him?

I thought things were going great, and then he just ends it.

Then he switches my class without even asking me.

I switched to an online class for now.

I just needed time to mend my broken heart.

This way I could focus without any distractions.

I was about to make me some hot tea when there was a knock on the door.

I wondered who would be here.

Maybe someone from the school asking me why I left.

I opened the door and was angry when I saw it was Reese.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you."

"You are the last person I want here."

He had the audacity to look hurt.

I should just slam the door in his face.

Why would he even come here?

"Why did you drop out?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I didn't drop out I just transferred a few of my classes to online. Now you need to go."

"Brie you need to come back to school."

Is he serious right now?

"Get the hell of my property!"

"Brie seriously your acting like a child."

I couldn't take anymore.

I reached back and punched him.

"Brie what the hell did you do that for?"

"I will not ask you again. I told you to leave, and just so we are clear I never want you to come back. We have nothing to say to each other. Now go!"

He looked at me one last time then turned and left.

He ended it so why does he get to look so hurt?

I slammed the door then fell to the floor.

I was so broken.

I let the tears fall.

Why did he do this?

Why did he hurt me?

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