Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Reese's pov

It's been a crazy year.

I completely stepped away from teaching.

My heart wasn't in it after what happened with Brie.

I moved back home and went into business with my best friend.

Tonight, we had our second club opening up.

I wasn't going to go.

I was more the silent partner.

This new girl that I was dating loved all the attention and wanted to go so I agreed.

I don't even know why I stayed with her.

At first, she was a good distraction.

My buddy set us up and I needed something, but she is not what I need or want.

I sat back in the VIP area and watched as she flirted with other men.

What the hell am I doing with my life?

This isn't what I pictured.

I haven't been happy since I lost Brie.

I wondered what happened to her.

Where was she now?

Was she happy?

Has she fallen in love?

I ask myself these questions every day.

What would I be doing now if I hadn't of met her?

Would I still be a professor?

There were days I did miss teaching.

I just didn't deserve to go back.

Not after what I had done.

I needed to leave.

Being here just didn't feel right tonight.

This really wasn't my dream.

I only went into business with him because I needed to do something.

I needed a plan.

I told my buddy and business partner Bailey that I was calling it a night.

He told me I should stay and enjoy another successful venture.

I knew if I did I would only bring him down.

So, I told him to call me and started to go find my soon to be ex girl, so I could leave.

Of course, she had her tongue down some guys throat.

I just let her be.

We were done any way.

I started to walk away when I noticed someone I never thought I would see again dancing some other girls.

Why was Brie here in my club?

Why was she even in this town?

Did she come here for me?

I didn't know what to do.

Should I just walk away without even saying anything?

I ruined her life already once I don't think I should do it again.

I took one look at her and started to leave.

I heard someone yelling my name, so I turned around thinking it was my so-called girlfriend.

I couldn't believe it was Brie standing there looking at me.

She looks confused.

Maybe she didn't know I moved here and that she was in my club.

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