Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Reese's pov

I didn't know what she wanted from me.

I was going to leave so she could stay.

I felt like I could never get anything right with her.

Seeing her now I knew I was still in love with her.

How stupid was I to ever let her go?

I moved my hand up to put her hair behind her ear.

She didn't move just looked at me.

She was no longer my student.

It wouldn't be wrong for us to be together.

I needed her back in my life.

"Brie can we go somewhere quieter and talk?"

Before she could say anything, Sasha came over and hung all over me.

Of course, now she would notice that I was leaving.

Brie took one look at her and just walked off.

I removed Sasha and told her we were done.

Then I ran after the only woman I truly wanted.

"Brie please wait up."

"Just leave me alone Reese."

"Is that what you really want? Please can we just go somewhere and talk?"

"Fine where do you want to go talk?"

"There is a little diner two blocks from here would that be okay?" I asked.

"Fine I don't have a car here my friends got us all a limo, so you'd have to drive."

I was happy that she agreed to go with me.

I showed her to my car and we drove in silence to the diner.

When we got there, I tried opening her door, but she wasn't having that.

She walked away from me and walked into the diner.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

She seemed so angry.

I walked in after her and sat at the booth the waitress had brought us to.

We ordered some drinks and she walked off.

"Look Reese can we just get this over with it's been a long day and I want to get home. Plus, I'm sure your girlfriend is wondering where you went off to."

"She is not my girlfriend she was there all over every man in sight. If you don't want to be here I am not forcing, you to stay you can go."

I wasn't going to keep her here against her will.

Why did she even come with me if she was going to act like this.

"You wanted to talk so talk."

I didn't know where to start.

"Brie I am so sorry for all the trouble I have caused you."

"Do you regret it?'

"Regret what?"

"Being with me."

"No, I don't regret it and honestly if I could do it all over again I would. I just would leave my job instead of you."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I don't regret it either, but you hurt me so much."

"I know I made so many mistakes with you. I never meant to hurt you. I just didn't want to ruin your life. I thought I was doing what was best for you."

The waitress came back, and we ordered some food then she left again.

"You should have asked me what I wanted."

"Yea I get that now. I was an idiot. I miss you Brie. How are you doing? Are you still in school?"

"I moved back home and yes I am still in school. I am doing really good. I have made some great friends."

"Seems like things are better for you than?"

"I guess what about you? You're a club owner now? What happened to teaching? Did you quit because of me?"

"I am a silent partner in this club and another one that my best friend owns. I quit because my heart was no longer in it. I left the college because everywhere I went it reminded me of you. I just had to get away, so I moved in with my best friend and went from there."

Our food came so we ate and talked about her classes.

She really liked her classes and being back home.

It seemed like she didn't have any room in her life for me.

At least now I could move on with my life.

She was happy and that's all I truly wanted.

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