Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Brie's pov

Being in Reese's arms felt good.

He stuck up for me, and it made me smile.

I had my job back, and that made me happy.

I can't believe I fell for Braiden's lies.

He was just using me.

That hurt so much.

Not because I was in love with him because I wasn't.

It just hurts that Reese had to see that.

I wondered what he must think of me.

That's what I cared about.

I know I am going to be a huge joke at school.

I didn't care about any of that as long as I still has Reese's respect.

I got into my room and locked myself in.

I just needed to be alone.

Tomorrow I would have to face the music.

I wondered if Braiden being kicked out would have any repercussions.

I was worried about that.

I haven't made any friends here yet.

I thought my college life would be so different.

No one ever tells you how hard it will be.

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

I needed my family, but there were so far away.

If they knew what was going on they would have me back home in the blink of any eye.

I was just so torn.

I loved working with Reese, but was that enough to keep me here.

I was going to call home just because I was homesick when my phone rang.

I looked at it and it was Reese.


"Hey, I was just checking to see how you're doing."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know but I wanted to. Brie I care about you and today well I can only imagine how you feel."

He cares about me?

"Reese thank you so much for having my back. You're a great boss, and professor."

"I didn't do it because I'm your boss. You deserve so much better. I just wish well things could be different."

"So, do I."

I would jump at the chance to be with Reese.

It just can't happen.

I'm not going to risk his job just to be with him.

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